What tires do you prefer on a big truck?

   / What tires do you prefer on a big truck? #11  
I will soon be in the market for tires for my 06 F 350 SRW, 4 WD. Size is 275/65-20. Looks like its either Michelin LTX A/T II, or Bridgestone Dueler A/T Revo 2, Dunlop Rover MT, or several versions of the Goodyear Wranglers. BF Goodrich does not make this size, so I would have to go up one size if I choose that brand. Like most, I uses it mainly on the highway, but as this is my hunting and towing rig, I need traction off road as I use it frequently on muddy roads. Not serious 4 wheeling, just getting around the dirt roads on my property, which can be pretty slick. As this is not an everyday driver, I don't need the finest long distance road tire, as this truck is not my primary vehicle. I always have been partial to Michelin, since their headquarters is in my city, and I like to support them. But the Michelin is the least aggressive thread, and I worry about its performance off road. It is also the most expensive. Any of you have experience with any of these or have an opinion? Thanks.
I had both Michelin LTX's and XPS's on my Dodge dually. I don't know that the XPS is available in your size. My Dodge ate tires but both were about similar in traction and wear. The XPS was king of any tire I ever ran on the dually for weight capacity and loaded handling. I never compared but they must weigh near double most similar tires.

I also ran a set of Revo's. Probably the first generationl as I bought them four years ago or so and no longer have the truck. The Revo's had really good wet road traction far longer than either Michelin. Overall, I was satisfied with the Revo's but to be honest, at the time I was working for Bridgestone so I got a slight break on them else I would have stuck with Michelin.

I don't know that either the LTX, XPS or Revo's will provide the traction that you indicate is the "driving" factor.
   / What tires do you prefer on a big truck? #12  
I've had Goodyear, Kellys, and now the Bridgestone Revos on my 1/2 ton and the Revos have been by far the best all-around tire. I put a lot of highway miles on, and they are smooth, well balanced and quiet. Yet are pretty aggressive off-road. At least for the gravel roads and few fields I find myself in occasionally.

My dump has Coopers on it, and they are acting as the best part of the suspension right now. Seem to be holding up to the whooping 130 miles I've put on the truck so far. Also, they seem to be another tire that looks mild, runs quiet, and yet gets good traction in mud and snow.
   / What tires do you prefer on a big truck? #13  
Looks like you are in a tough spot with those 20" tires, however, according to the BF Goodrich website, they do make their All Terrain T/A KO in your size. I have tried just about every major brand of tire on my 3/4 & 1 ton trucks and I will tell you that the BF Goodrich T/A's are the best tire I have ever used. They have tough sidewalls, good sidewall rigidity for towing and heavy GVW capacity, good traction, good wear and reasonable road manners. The only downside to this tire is price and availability. When they changed over from the T/A to the T/A KO, there were no tires to be had for a couple of months. This is why I had to look for another tire, with NY winter coming on, bald tires just do not cut the mustard.

Through all of my searching for tire alternatives, I found only one suitable replacement for the BF Goodrich's and they are made by Cooper Tires. Currently I am running Cooper ATR's on both of my vehicles. I consider them a second best option. They are made in the USA. The quality is on par with BF Goodrich. Traction and road manners are very good. Sidewall stiffness and toughness is just not as good as the T/A's. This is fine since neither of my trucks do any serious off roading anymore so bruising is not much of an issue and with duals, the sidewall stiffness becomes a non-issue. Unfortunately, they do not make a tire in your size. SORRY! If they did, I would 100% recommend them to you without hesitation.

Another good source for tire information for your Ford is:

By the way, I would rank my truck tire experience this way:
1. BF Goodrich T/A
2. Cooper Tires Discoverer ATR
3. Cooper Tires Discoverer HT
4. Michelin XPS
5. Cooper Tires Discoverer M+S (Studded - not applicable to your climate)

DO NOT BUY recommendation:
1. Firestone (Ford original equipment on both my F250's. 6 of 10 (including spares) suffered sidewall blow-outs!
2. Goodyear Wrangler ATS - marshmallow ride due to tread configuration. Great sidewall stiffness.
3. Goodyear Wrangler - Very poor tire wear and noisey
   / What tires do you prefer on a big truck? #14  
I agree on the "tough spot" point.
I would SERIOUSLY consider reverting to "regular" wheels, but I'm not into the dressy truck thing.
I probably wouldn't have bought the one with wide low profile tires on large diameter rims anyway.

Something in the 235/75R16 vanilla, generic, widely available class would suit me just fine when shopping for the truck.

You could probably pick up such a set of "take offs" for short money (-:
   / What tires do you prefer on a big truck? #15  
Another vote for BF Goodrich T/A They handle snow,mud, and rain very well. Ride is good, and quiet.
   / What tires do you prefer on a big truck? #16  
   / What tires do you prefer on a big truck? #17  
I think there are a number of "sub-models" of the Michelin LTX's. I have run the LTX M&S and thought that they were a great tire. I know at the time they also had LTX A/S and LTX A/T versions. I wanted the Mud and Snow version as winter type roads are a big part of the year in North Idaho and Western Montana's mountains. Like I said, they were great tires and that is what i will be looking for as soon as the stock tires on the new pickup are ready for replacing.
   / What tires do you prefer on a big truck? #18  
Looks like you are in a tough spot with those 20" tires, however, according to the BF Goodrich website, they do make their All Terrain T/A KO in your size. I have tried just about every major brand of tire on my 3/4 & 1 ton trucks and I will tell you that the BF Goodrich T/A's are the best tire I have ever used. They have tough sidewalls, good sidewall rigidity for towing and heavy GVW capacity, good traction, good wear and reasonable road manners. The only downside to this tire is price and availability. When they changed over from the T/A to the T/A KO, there were no tires to be had for a couple of months. This is why I had to look for another tire, with NY winter coming on, bald tires just do not cut the mustard.

Through all of my searching for tire alternatives, I found only one suitable replacement for the BF Goodrich's and they are made by Cooper Tires. Currently I am running Cooper ATR's on both of my vehicles. I consider them a second best option. They are made in the USA. The quality is on par with BF Goodrich. Traction and road manners are very good. Sidewall stiffness and toughness is just not as good as the T/A's. This is fine since neither of my trucks do any serious off roading anymore so bruising is not much of an issue and with duals, the sidewall stiffness becomes a non-issue. Unfortunately, they do not make a tire in your size. SORRY! If they did, I would 100% recommend them to you without hesitation.

Another good source for tire information for your Ford is:

By the way, I would rank my truck tire experience this way:
1. BF Goodrich T/A
2. Cooper Tires Discoverer ATR
3. Cooper Tires Discoverer HT
4. Michelin XPS
5. Cooper Tires Discoverer M+S (Studded - not applicable to your climate)

DO NOT BUY recommendation:
1. Firestone (Ford original equipment on both my F250's. 6 of 10 (including spares) suffered sidewall blow-outs!
2. Goodyear Wrangler ATS - marshmallow ride due to tread configuration. Great sidewall stiffness.
3. Goodyear Wrangler - Very poor tire wear and noisey
I've not had problems with the Firestone Transforce which were originally known as Steeltex. But I definately will agree on the Badyear Wranglers. 2 sets for the dually ( 12 tires ) went egg shape. Dealer had to replace them the first time. Second time saw the switch to Firestones.
   / What tires do you prefer on a big truck? #19  
The Steeltex are the exact model that I am referring to. My experience was 1990 and 1997. I never bought another set.
   / What tires do you prefer on a big truck? #20  
One day I will have to buy me some new truck tires I will buy an American made tire. Tire plants here in the states are not doing to well with all the import tires coming over. I will spend a few extra bucks to support an American job. My 2 cents

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