Yellow Jackets !

   / Yellow Jackets ! #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680

Normally I get along with the creatures around my property, but his year is different.
I have had stinging colonies of nasties close to where we spend our time relaxing
Never a problem before.

This year, I have a nest of Yellow Jackets that took up residence in a hanging basket
on the front porch. I have another under the deck boards on the back deck.

At least 3 of my dogs have been stung, and I have been whacked twice. It was like
getting stabbed with an ice pick. They got their point across, so I avoid them, but want
my home back. Them some mean SOB's

I have some Spectracide Hornet/Yellow Jacket spray I picked up at TSC. I have not tried
it yet. Frankly I'm a bit nervous about approaching them again. I also seen some
Yellow Jacket traps. I did not get them because I did not know if they would attract
even more of Satan's Childern.

All suggestions appreciated.

   / Yellow Jackets ! #2  
I think I was using Spectracide on European Hornets. They appeared to be immune to the stuff. Matter of fact, I googled reviews on that stuff. Not sure what the issue is, but let me tell you, test it when you have a clear exit strategy. Two bottles I used, worthless. Thought I had a bad batch. I don't know. Your miles may vary....that's after you spray them.

Good luck!
   / Yellow Jackets ! #3  
This has been a very strange year, around here, so far. Very few yellow jackets. No new nests in the eves - nor anywhere. I can live with that.

I've used those Yellow Jacket traps with the liquid bait. I hung two out in the trees in the orchard. They worked but there must have been a whole lot of YJ's those years. Caught many but never seemed to lessen the numbers around the house.
   / Yellow Jackets ! #4  
TEMPO dust is the best insecticide I’ve used for yellow jackets and wasps. Wait until early dawn to approach the nest and apply the dust. The entire nest will be wiped out in two days. Be cautious when approaching the nest. Yellow jackets are different from other wasps in that they always have three or four sentries guarding the nest, so as you apply the dust you don’t want to dally, get it done and get out.
   / Yellow Jackets ! #5  
I like starting fluid, or carburetor cleaner; what ever is available. Have to get up close though.
   / Yellow Jackets ! #6  
I've had good luck with any of the wasp sprays that shoot out about six feet. Wait until dark, so they are in the nest and you are less apt to get stung. One treatment should do it.
   / Yellow Jackets ! #7  
you could get a bee veil and wear thick clothing and get close to them to destroy their nest.
   / Yellow Jackets ! #8  
I used Delta Dust Multi Use Pest Control Insecticide Dust and it worked well. It took two to three days and then I didn't see anymore yellow jackets. I went out early in the morning to reduce the chance of being stung, got several sprays of powder in the hole and still got stung on the finger by one of those suckers who must of been the night watchman.
   / Yellow Jackets ! #9  
Find the exact location of their hole during the day, at night pour gasoline in the hole and cover it with a rock.
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   / Yellow Jackets ! #10  
This year, I have a nest of Yellow Jackets that took up residence in a hanging basket
on the front porch.

All suggestions appreciated.

If it cools off enough at night ... 60s or so ... try a large garbage bag. Open it wide and lift it from below over the basket, then close tightly. Remove the whole thing from the hangar. You may need to cover yourself as much as possible too, but they're usually sluggish/slow when cool.

The under deck one may need to be fogged.

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