Member of the Month: David Livingston

David Livingston and his family

Your Name: David Livingstone; a.k.a “dodge man”

Posts: 1,541 (#230 of all-time)

Join Date: 10-25-2008

Location: Near Macomb; Western Illinois

How long have you been a member of About two years. I found it through an internet search engine

What do you like best about
The people and the vast knowledge they have.

What type of tractor do you own? Kubota BX2350

How long have you owned or operated tractors? Three years.

What do you enjoy most about tractors? They are fun to operate and you can get a lot of work done.

Kubota BX2350

How often do you use your tractor? 2-3 times a week.

Tell us about your property.
I own a little over three acres, a 1,900 Sq. Ft. home, and a 3-car, unattached garage.

Tell us about your vehicles.
I own a 2002 GMC 4×4 and a 18-foot car trailer.

Do you have any pets?
We have two cats that were adopted from the nearby animal shelter.

What sort of modifications or customization have you done to your tractor? I have added work lights and BXpanded forks and hooks.

What sort of tools, attachments or equipment do you use with your tractor on a regular basis?
Rear blade, FEL, brush mower, and mid-mount mower.

What do you mainly use your tractor for? Mowing, snow removal, dirt work, and firewood.

What do you like or dislike about the area you live in?
I like the area we live in for its rural nature. I dislike it because we have to drive two hours to get to any major city.

What sort of terrain is common in your area?
Most of the area is some of the best farm ground in the world, but it also has areas of woods and gullies.

What sort of trees and vegetation are common in your area?
Hardwoods and softwoods are the most common—along with a lot of corn, bean and hay fields.

What’s something most TractorByNet members don’t know about you?
I have a college degree in civil engineering, I am a land surveyor, and am employed by a civil engineering firm.  I also enjoy watching my kids in their sporting events.

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