Ford 4610SU 5.00 star(s) (3)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Ford 4610SU.
25-50 HP Tractors

About the Ford 4610SU

Ford 4610SU Discussions (7)

Here are the most recent 4610SU topics from our community.
  1. S

    Buying Advice Ford 4610SU for first tractor purchase?

    Hello everyone! First post here but have been a reader (unregistered) for quite a while now. My grandfather owns 130 acres in SE Kansas. Land was mainly purchased for hunting, fishing, and...
  2. ETD66SS

    Ford 4610SU Log Winch Setup

    Looking to log some Scots Pine to use as sawn non-structural lumber for my house build. Need a quick and dirty log winch setup, can't afford a ~$8000 log skidding winch right now. I'm looking to...
  3. S

    Ford 4610SU jumped timing?

    The equipment: 1981 Ford 4610SU with 3 cyl. diesel, more than 7,000 hours; I've owned it since February; all fluids new, new filters, new radiator and thermostat; everything else old (including...
  4. tallyho8

    What type of oils for Ford 4610SU

    I just got a Ford 4610SU with a manual that says to use Ford M-134 oil in the transmission and hydraulic system. I am not going to Ford to get oil. What type of hydraulic oil or tractor fluid can...
  5. G

    Service Manual For 84 Ford 4610SU

    I need a service manual for a 1984 Ford 4610SU.
  6. ETD66SS

    Ford 4610SU Clutch Adjustment

    I bought a 4610SU a few years back. It has been very hard to get into gear without grinding the gears, there was a nail used as a clevis pin on the linkage, I figured the sloppiness in that...
  7. S

    Ford 4610SU 3-pt hitch lift arms

    I've owned the tractor since 2017, use it mostly with a rotary cutter, but occasionally with blade or box blade. Several months ago I dismounted the FEL and the rotary cutter so I could do a...
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User Reviews (3)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Ford 4610SU Subcompact Tractor
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5.00 star(s)

4610SU Ford
Great Tractor for Mowing - Very Tight Turn Radius
Model Year: 1988

Haven't had this tractor long. Bought it to mow 14 acres of rough overgrown wet land down on the creek. I sold a John Deere 1020 1966 model because I stayed stuck it didn't have a locking diff the Ford does. Also, I have a bushhog 305 heavy duty 5 ft mower its specs say its designed to cut 3 inch dia. brush. It was a little much for the 38 hp JD, but the ford hardly knows its back there so a 14 hp diff in PTO hp made a diff. But what surprised me is I hardly ever need the diff lock both tires seem to pull unless on uneven ground the JD i was constantly tapping one brake pedal or the other to get the other tire to pull love the ford 4610.

Pros: Locking diff, lightweight weight, tight turn radius, lots of power.
Cons: Front end not as sturdy as I would like for front end loader.

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5.00 star(s)

4610SU Ford
Great Mowing Tractor
Model Year: 1988

I have the 1988 Ford 4610 su II. These are great tractors---plenty of power and the most nimble tractor I've operated. Sharp turn radius helps when mowing in tight places was a JD man for many years, but I haven't had tractor long its impressed me so far. Definitely don't regret buying this one.

Pros: Tight turn radious, lots of power, and easy on the fuel.
Cons: Not as comfortable as some tractors; light duty front end.

5.00 star(s)
Jim L

4610SU Ford
Great All-Around Tractor
Model Year: 1989

I use the tractor for mowing, grading, garden prep, etc. Great power and has the syncro-mesh trans (which I strongly recommend) with the shifters right under the steering wheel. Have used this tractor since it was new as my Dad bought it new.

Pros: Handles well, very comfortable, heavy duty engine, trans and rear axle.
Cons: Front axle not really designed for loader.

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Ford 4610SU Owner Pages

View owner pages to see photos, customization and comments about member-owner Ford 4610SUs

Ford 4610SU Community Rankings

#1 user rating of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#1147 Viewed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#401 discussed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#1 user rating of 19624 items overall
#4143 Viewed of 19624 items overall
#967 discussed of 19624 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19624 items overall