Ford 545D 5.00 star(s) (1)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Ford 545D.
Vintage Tractors

About the Ford 545D

Ford 545D Discussions (17)

Here are the most recent 545D topics from our community.
  1. J

    Tractor Comparable to a Ford 545D

    Does New Holland make a TN series tractor that is comparable to the older Ford 545D tractor/loader. I know my 345C is built like a rock and seems that anything I do will not break it. Loader...
  2. J

    Ford 545D Shuttle Transmission

    I recently purchased a Ford 545D loader and have been plowing snow with it a couple of times. Today while driving it the 8x8 shuttle tranny cuts out and tractor stops moving. All I have to do is...
  3. F

    Buying Advice Ford 545D w/o loader?

    So, I've been looking for a first tractor and while the Ford 545D is on the large side for me, a couple municipal owned low hour ones in my price range have popped up. Unfortunately, they all...
  4. S

    1996 Ford 545d

    Found this tractor for sale for $16500. It has 4000 hours, has loader and Hydraulic gannon. Is this a good deal? Is this a good tractor? Thanks Danny
  5. W

    New to site and new to a Ford 545D. A few questions (re: block heater, manuals)

    Hi all, I'm new to the site and new to owning a tractor. I just bought a 1994 Ford 545D. I'd like to add a block heater. Any advise (e.g. block heater vs. radiator hose heater / not interested...
  6. O

    Ford 545D Counterweight Ideas

    We just picked up a newer Ford 545D mfwd tractor for shop use, and I am looking for ideas on necessary counterweight for the loader. The idea is to use the tractor w/ pallet forks and a boom...
  7. P

    Ford 545D PTO will not disengage

    I can't get the PTO on my newly acquired 1993 Ford/New Holland 545D to disengage. The tractor has the 8X8 transmission with power shift. I disconnected the linkage and moved the PTO lever at the...
  8. R

    Ford 545D

    I am considering a 545D tractor but it dose not have a PTO can it be added to this tractor. thanks
  9. P

    oil for Ford 545D 4WD front axle

    Hi, I'm getting ready to change the oil in the front axle on my Ford 545D 4WD tractor. The manual says to use Ford 134 oil. I expected the axle assembly to use 90w gear oil but it looks like I...
  10. C

    Ford 545d splitting

    Hey guys, I have a 545d and i believe the torque converter grenaded, I need to split the tractor, anyone done it before? Google not much help, I’m assuming pull the loader off and support...
  11. R

    ford 545D steering is hard

    I haven't used this tractor in about 1 1/2 years but when I started it up today and drove it around the power steering is real hard. Feels like I'm driving a 1970s muscle car with no power...
  12. J

    Plowing 10 Acres with Ford 545D

    Will plowing 10 acres of NEPA soil with a 3 bottom plow hurt the transmission in my Ford 545D with 8x8 shuttle transmission?
  13. I

    Ford 545d dump pedal switch problem/question

    Hello - I have a Ford/New Holland 545d with shuttle shift trans. It has a dump pedal on the floor that is supposed to throw the shuttle into neutral so you can rev up the motor to speed up loader...
  14. G

    ford 545d tractor goes foward but no reverse

    recently purchased a Ford 545d tractor. today I backed it out of our barn and drove it in forward but then put shuttle lever in reverse, but no reverse. Forward works fine, just no reverse. Does...
  15. RD Adams

    Ford 545D

    I have a 1994 Ford 545D with a Gannon box scraper. Over the last few days the rear hydraulics have gotten slower and by yesterday noon the scraper wouldn't lift at all. this morning I changed the...
  16. D

    1996 ford 545d 4x4

    .I just picked up a 1996 ford 4x4 545d with a 8x8 synchronized power reversing transmission .when i have the power reversing lever in the neutral position the tractor still want to move forward or...
  17. Gabthefordguy

    Buying Advice John deere 2130 vs Ford 545D

    I everyone, i'm looking for a new tractor and was wondering if any of you guys could help me decide between a 2130 JD with a 540 loader and cab, or a 545D Ford with loader and PTO, but no cab. The...
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User Reviews (1)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Ford 545D Subcompact Tractor
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5.00 star(s)
Philip Ballman

545D Ford
Ownership of a used Ford tractor
Model Year: 1980

The equipment has never failed to preform it's tasks and start every time. It seems the all that is required is general maintenance. It seems that it is unbreakable in normal service.

Pros: I would own another.
Cons: Even used the price is high - I guess thats good for resale.

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Ford 545D Owner Pages

View owner pages to see photos, customization and comments about member-owner Ford 545Ds

Ford 545D Community Rankings

#1 user rating of 679 Vintage Tractors items
#124 Viewed of 679 Vintage Tractors items
#27 discussed of 679 Vintage Tractors items
#1 user rating of 19624 items overall
#1624 Viewed of 19624 items overall
#617 discussed of 19624 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19624 items overall