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  1. DLTTrekkers

    JD 20...30...40 series engines

    Old engines new problems. When you can not get parts for your injectorpumps and have to fit another pump to it. Then it is back to school to do the timing. It is 21° BTDC !
  2. DLTTrekkers

    Deere 239D/T injector timing

    I got the inj timing 21° for my JD 5310 !
  3. DLTTrekkers

    Deere 239D/T injector timing what Deere fit this engine ?
  4. DLTTrekkers

    Deere 239D/T injector timing

    Ok ! My plan did not work ! Yes it is keyed I did change the timing (moved the gear some teeth? Our ingeneering have an engine simmilar to this one awiating the injector pump so I will be able to go and check with the timing is on that engine. Will report back.
  5. DLTTrekkers

    Deere 239D/T injector timing

    Or if you messure the piston before TDC it wil be 7/8' or 22.22mm
  6. DLTTrekkers

    Deere 239D/T injector timing

    I am working on a JD 5310 and have to replace the inj pump with some another pump and need to know the timing ? I put some compressed air in the no inj pipe and the pump locks up on 30° BTDC. So I beliefe the timing is 30° BTDC
  7. DLTTrekkers

    2940 transmission pressure switch

    Remove cover at gearlevers. Then you will see infront of shiftercover there is a swith. You will have to remove the cover to remove that swith . Check if the contact inside is still the shape is was when installed !
  8. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 2040 Hydraulic squeal fixed or not?

    And there its back again
  9. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 2040 Hydraulic squeal fixed or not?

    What app do I need to see the fotos ?
  10. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 2040 Hydraulic squeal fixed or not?

    I find with that squile that the main pump s pressure is to low and when you adjust it to the correct pressure the squile gose away.
  11. DLTTrekkers


  12. DLTTrekkers


    You do not have a workshopmanual ?
  13. DLTTrekkers


    Now I can study it and start to work on it !
  14. DLTTrekkers


    Thank you for the info !
  15. DLTTrekkers


    Previous mech stipped it and stop working on it. It has a hidrostatice gearbox in . No one has a book on it. If someone can help with pics on it , it wil help me alote.A parts manual will do.
  16. DLTTrekkers

    Pics not showing

    What can I do to open this pics ?
  17. DLTTrekkers

    New Holland T6050 oil level rising

    Steeringpump mounted on the engine ?
  18. DLTTrekkers

    JD 1050 locked Brakes?

    If they are stuck you wil have a problem taking the cover off as the shoes is part of the cover. Or shall I say it gets assembled on the cover And yes it is dry brakes. The lever going through the cover gets rusted and does not turn. That will be the problem you have to solve. If needed the...
  19. DLTTrekkers

    Jinma 254 Dies in 2nd and 3rd gear

    DoeS your tractor run forward or reverse when in neutrale ? Then it is lock in a gear ! Remove shiftcover and move dogs to neutrale.
  20. DLTTrekkers


    Let my tri and help As you sit on the tractor ...move your PTO lever thats on your righthandside and check what moves under the floor on your left side. You will see a bowl(hydraulic filter) and under that you will see two plugs thats screwed in from the bottom. One is your priority valve and...
  21. DLTTrekkers


    I hope you can see the pic ? As I can not see it. I do not know what went wrong
  22. DLTTrekkers


    Your priority valve is sticky. Remove and polish. 5a
  23. DLTTrekkers

    5045E - 3 Point Control Lever Doesn’t Stay Up.

    Normaly those bolts break and the the lever wil be loose
  24. DLTTrekkers

    Bubbles in hydraulic reservoir.

    Remember that air can only come in at the suction side and that includes half of the pump. So ...remove the pump and replace that shaftseal. Replace and test it ! The rubber of that old seal will brobebly be very hard and will brake if you press on it.
  25. DLTTrekkers

    JD 1020 spraying Hydraulic fluid

    There is a seal that have to be replaced. The topcover has to come off.
  26. DLTTrekkers

    IH 454

    I tested the tractor and it holds 1. 2 and 4 , but slips out of 3rd.
  27. DLTTrekkers

    Confusion of oil types for Foton 504.

    If there is brakes in the front finaldrives...then use engine oil in them . Remember...the better the lub the kakker the brakes.
  28. DLTTrekkers

    IH 454

    Gears not going in gear . Hi...low and reverse is selecting but not 123 and 4 . What can be done to correcet this ? I allready removed all the play on that topshaft .
  29. DLTTrekkers

    Oil Drain Plug. Replacement Washer. New Holland.

    I have been in this trade repairing tractors for 41 year and on all me tractors that I serviced I use just a little bit of silicon on the thread of the sumpplug . Then I do not have to overtighter that plug . I never had a plug coming loose on me !
  30. DLTTrekkers

    Oil Drain Plug. Replacement Washer. New Holland.

    That washer is called a DOWTY WASHER and is avaliable in different sizes . Wurth do it also.
  31. DLTTrekkers

    TN75 RPM

    are electronic. There may be a pickup on the alternator or elsewhere. It connect to the W point on the alternator. If the alternator is faulty it will ot work. Before starting switch it on an check if your bat light and oil light comes on. After starting check if that 2 lights go off .
  32. DLTTrekkers

    Ford 5000 brake rod seal boot

    I let out some oil to a lower lever than the oil. Clean that area where the seal must sit with carbcleaner and the fit the seal. With a clean area that seal will grip and the instalation will be very easy ! Remember to fit the inner part with your fingers and not a sharp tool in its groove .
  33. DLTTrekkers

    Massey Ferguson 65 trans. input shaft seals

    You have to split at the back as well. The lower shaft pulls out to the back then that gear go down. Then you remove the top input shaft and replace those seals.
  34. DLTTrekkers

    IH Hydro 100

    That tractor is running ! That little pin was seized in its port . They made another one and we fitted it ! I am so happy !
  35. DLTTrekkers

    IH Hydro 100

    I looked at the pistures and found this pin shorter than it should be . Will make one that will be longer and then test it
  36. DLTTrekkers


    Some models is spring operated and others is detent operated. The detent operated one ś move the lever just a bit forward lr to the rear to get lift or lowering. If you move the lever more you will get that click where the spool will go in "float" position. Just be aware about that.
  37. DLTTrekkers

    IH Hydro 100

    Looks like I did not find the problem. Well...tomorrow is another day !
  38. DLTTrekkers

    IH Hydro 100

    With no help I found these checkvalves fitted the wrong way. I am about to start this tractor and test it.
  39. DLTTrekkers

    IH Hydro 100

    Still working on this tractor. At this port I do get 400 psi and I can adjust it more. At the bottom testport I do not get any prssure
  40. DLTTrekkers

    IH Hydro 100

    This tractor does not want to move . No forward or reverse. I did check and replace the hydraulic filter. It was cloged up with some cloth. Someone before me left his cleaning cloth inside. I also removed the charge and mainpump and had it checked out. This is the pump on the right side of the...
  41. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 1640

    With the little info we are all playing a guessing game
  42. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 1640

    See the hydraulic sisteme as 2 seperate sistemes. An open sisteme from the screenefilter up to just before the main hydraulic pump. From there it changes to a close senter sisteme. All highpresure work to be done is close senter.( like your water sisteme in your home) You open a tap and the...
  43. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 1640

    Remove priority valve and strip and clean it
  44. DLTTrekkers

    Massey Ferguson 65 HELP??

    Sometime an oldtimer can help. Just ask and mybe someone can give you an answer !
  45. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 5425 won’t start as if the battery were dead but the lights work quite well

    Something els...check your groundcable...clean the ground and if that does not help...lenthern your groundcable and mount it to your engine . I had 3 tractors that I had to change the place for the ground.
  46. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 2020 Swept back axle pivot pins

    The pin at the rear get it out it must go to the rear to get it out. The pin at the front...hit it from the ftont and it wil go to the rear. The front halve wil have wear and that wil help you to get it out !
  47. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 2020 Swept back axle pivot pins

    You do not need to have to strike the rear pin in its middle
  48. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 2020 Swept back axle pivot pins

    I did use a 3/4 round bar about a 36 " long after I removed all the wights and the bracket for the wightes
  49. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 2020 Swept back axle pivot pins

    Long punch throu the bushinghole at the front
  50. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 2020 Swept back axle pivot pins

    Long pin and a big hammer. To fit new pin use m12 readybolt with big washer an pull in by helping with a copper hammer from the rear. I made a vid but do not know how to send it on this form
  51. DLTTrekkers

    Massey Ferguson 165 oil leak

    There should not be a gasket. The leak can be from the rear main seal or from your gearbox inputseals.
  52. DLTTrekkers

    B414 work shop manual

    What info do you need ?
  53. DLTTrekkers

    McCormick IH B250 Differential oil fill point?

    Fill and level plug
  54. DLTTrekkers

    Question on bleeding fuel system Ford 10 series

    The trick with 10 serias engins is to pull the stopcable before opening the fuelsisteme. Then air can not bleed into it !
  55. DLTTrekkers

    Removing the Fuel Injector Pump

    That tool must lay on the gear like this.
  56. DLTTrekkers

    Removing the Fuel Injector Pump

    Lets try again. That is the mark on the camgear. That mark must aline under the long leg of your tool shaped like a Y
  57. DLTTrekkers

    Removing the Fuel Injector Pump

    That is the mark and the line is hoe your tool must line up with the senter of the gear.
  58. DLTTrekkers

    I'm feeling lucking! 1987 NH Ford 3910 with no hydraulic pressure for loader/backhoe.

    This is your reliefe valve. I think your pump is on its way uot. TEF and digger at the back is a lot of hydraulic work !
  59. DLTTrekkers

    JD 5105 Rockshaft arms stuck in up position

    Did you get it going again ? If not Get your tractor under a gantry and lift the impliment with a tackle til there is no downwight on the arms. Then you remove that valve. This pic is from a Same but the hidge is a Mita.oil will spill so be ready for it. Now you can start stripping the valve by...
  60. DLTTrekkers


    Data for pics downloader at an alarming rate . Into a 1000 % . Whats wrong ?
  61. DLTTrekkers

    International 574 broke the hydraulic pump shaft

    Make sure that this valve was assembeld corretly !
  62. DLTTrekkers

    International 574 broke the hydraulic pump shaft

    As i have said relief valve is no 2 and its pilot operated . Meaning it will lift your implement plus say 6 lbs. There is another valve that will release at a max pressure and that is located infront of your MCV( multipile controle valve) . Thats that valve block where the hydraulic filter is...
  63. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 2130 hydraulics scheme

    You have powersteering. I am willing to help you with this problem. That oilleak can be repaired after solving you main problem. Testing needs to be done !
  64. DLTTrekkers

    International 574 broke the hydraulic pump shaft

    Sorry ! No 13 go to steering and no 1 is priority valve for steering
  65. DLTTrekkers

    International 574 broke the hydraulic pump shaft

    Relief valve is no 2
  66. DLTTrekkers

    MF 460

    Can someone send or tell me the dieselflow from the tank to tge injectorpump. And if the fuel must be suced throu the fuelfilters ?
  67. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 1640 Strange Hydraulic Problem

    To show were the oillines is.
  68. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 1640 Strange Hydraulic Problem

    With your gauge installed on the mainpump loosen the pipe just before the split to the steering and plug that pipe comming from the pump. Start the engine and see if you have full pressure. If so then move your plug to just after the t-fitting to add the powerstering. If pressure is ok then add...
  69. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 2130 hydraulics scheme

    Send to your own e-mail adresse and print it for yourself. Hope it wil help you ?
  70. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 2130 hydraulics scheme

    Hi-lo at 22 and testport on leftside of shiftcover
  71. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 2130 hydraulics scheme

    Yes as I am looking in the JD 3140 manual
  72. DLTTrekkers

    JD 1020 power steering

    See the flat side on the ball . That will be the correct one to use as a wel-on on your arms
  73. DLTTrekkers

    JD 1020 power steering

    No 19 is the shim. Order 6 of them and add as needed. Do not make them ! It s hardened shims and not washers !
  74. DLTTrekkers

    MF 240 the ones with the shut-off solinoid on the pump

    I have a MF 240 that runs and work great , but when I throttle down to idle and then jusks the throttle to full revs it starts to spatter like a petrol engine with a carburator that gets flooded . If I take the revs up slow it runnes fine . Help to diagnose ?
  75. DLTTrekkers

    Goldoni Quasar 90

    Can someone please help me with the torque specs on this tractor engine ? It is a 44042 Centa VM engine.
  76. DLTTrekkers

    Case 495 Hydraulics Problems

    If valve is stuck in mcv put a bucket under the tractor to catch the oil...remove priorityvalveplug and spring ....start and rev engine till valve pops out.....polish valve and reinstall. If it dose not come out use a rawbolt(as in pic) and pull it out with that.
  77. DLTTrekkers


    Instrumentcluster not coming on. If I switch the hazards on then the hours worked comes on. If I switch the lights on then the dash lights comes on. No fuelgauge and no temp gauge. No bat light and no oil light. Power at switch. Please help. Only people how experians this .
  78. DLTTrekkers

    JD 5415N

    Engine oil disappeare to the radiator. From the highmark to under minimum in less than 10 min . Where can I look for the problem ? Engine sounds and starts fine .
  79. DLTTrekkers

    Pto on IH 454 locked up.

    No 2 is the PTO valve
  80. DLTTrekkers

    Pto on IH 454 locked up.

    Port from MCV to PTO pack
  81. DLTTrekkers

    Pto on IH 454 locked up.

  82. DLTTrekkers

    Pto on IH 454 locked up.

  83. DLTTrekkers

    Pto on IH 454 locked up.

    Your testpoints
  84. DLTTrekkers

    Same tractor from George

    Please respond on this thread
  85. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 146 loader

    Oil to return to there
  86. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 146 loader

    Pressure oil from there
  87. DLTTrekkers

    John Deere 146 loader

    Pressure oil from there
  88. DLTTrekkers

    Ferguson excessive smoking

    Check this in the air intake for leaking fuel to the engine
  89. DLTTrekkers

    PTO seal which ways which!!

    Roundside is outside
  90. DLTTrekkers

    Landini R8000 S

    As Per partsbook
  91. DLTTrekkers

    Landini R8000 S

    Can someone help me in locating the dipstick or leverplug to check the gearbox oil/hydraulic oil ? Photo wil help ?
  92. DLTTrekkers

    Ferguson excessive smoking

    That hose !
  93. DLTTrekkers

    IH 3434 the yellow one

    To show were it sits in the gearbox
  94. DLTTrekkers

    IH 3434 the yellow one

    That parts I am looking for is in that case mounted to the diff casing.
  95. DLTTrekkers

    IH 3434 the yellow one

    The forward reverse shifterfork broke and that sliding gear is worn . Where can I find those parts in South Africa ?
  96. DLTTrekkers

    IH B275 Diesel Tractor Hyd Selector Valve Oil leak

    And some more
  97. DLTTrekkers

    IH B275 Diesel Tractor Hyd Selector Valve Oil leak

    I have found it
  98. DLTTrekkers

    B414 glowplugs

    Messure the size here plus 1.5mm and drill the sides away of the inner comb chamber
  99. DLTTrekkers

    Kioti cs2610 revcounter

    Swithed off and shut down...bat dissconected
  100. DLTTrekkers

    Kioti cs2610 revcounter

    I am sitting with a Kioti cs2610 with a revcounter not goung to zero when switch off and shut down. I have removed the bat cable but not going back to zero revs. Advise please ?
  101. DLTTrekkers

    Sump gasket material, Iseki TX2160 making a replacement

    No gasket . Use this !
  102. DLTTrekkers

    IH 484 clutch shaft wear question

    as said .....very near 90°
  103. DLTTrekkers

    MF 188 PTO problem

    Look in that inspectioncover and if you see that bolt in you pressureplate then that clutch is a dualstageclutch. If not then that tractor has a single stage in . Sometimes I find a dualstage clutch in a tractor with IPTO in it . Wrong !
  104. DLTTrekkers

    IH 484 clutch shaft wear question

    That corner should be more or less 90° if correct. I have read thru the hole tread and something to change so fast Something had to crack or break. Remove that release shaft again and hit that arm to see is it wil move more ? I do beliefe that your problem is with that shaft !
  105. DLTTrekkers

    MF 188 PTO problem

    the space between that bracket and the bellhousing must be about 6mm . Thats for the pedalfreetravel
  106. DLTTrekkers

    MF 188 PTO problem

    Look at bottom of bellhousing and you wil see that there is a inspectioncover . Open it with a 24mm wrench and you will be able to see the pressureplate. Adj that bolt so that you have a clearance of 1 to 1.5 mm . All 3 must be the same !
  107. DLTTrekkers

    B414 glowplugs

    I am sitting with a B414 that blow the no4 glowplug as soon as you want to start it. I have trased the wiring and all looks normal. I did not test the glowresistor bcz I do not know what that value must be.
  108. DLTTrekkers

    Case 4240 No hydraulics

    bearingcup wrongway in
  109. DLTTrekkers

    Fiat tractor ID Query

    click on "reply...then left on the arrow.....then between the camera and the smily.....then choose the photo and send
  110. DLTTrekkers

    Foton 454

    Here is the engine plate
  111. DLTTrekkers

    Foton 454

    I am looking for the toptorque and valveclearence for this tractor. Please help ?
  112. DLTTrekkers

    Case 4240 No hydraulics

    oilfeedhousing worn
  113. DLTTrekkers

    Case 4240 No hydraulics

    Bearing in transfercase packed up
  114. DLTTrekkers

    Case 4240 No hydraulics

    teeth and more
  115. DLTTrekkers

    Case 4240 No hydraulics

    After removing the MCV I found a lot od gearteeth and my pumpshaft been snaped off.
  116. DLTTrekkers

    JD 2240 Hydraulic Geyser

    Look at this pic.
  117. DLTTrekkers

    IH 484 clutch shaft wear question

    As prommesed.
  118. DLTTrekkers


    Anyone battle with the clutchcable failure ?
  119. DLTTrekkers

    Lamborghini 550DT

    Please take a photo of that plate and post
  120. DLTTrekkers

    IH 574 pto problems

    Proseed as follow
  121. DLTTrekkers

    IH 574 pto problems

    For testing the PTO oilpressures
  122. DLTTrekkers

    IH 574 pto problems

    PTO lever
  123. DLTTrekkers


    CS 2610 filters to be replaced. Original filters is very expensive. Is their any GUD replacements ?
  124. DLTTrekkers

    International b275

  125. DLTTrekkers

    Hydraulic lift hicups

  126. DLTTrekkers

    Hydraulic lift hicups

  127. DLTTrekkers

    Hydraulic lift hicups

  128. DLTTrekkers

    Hydraulic lift hicups

  129. DLTTrekkers

    434 Oudtshoorn

  130. DLTTrekkers

    Case785 AC PTO not stopping

    I overhauled the PTO pack and tested the oilpressures and it is fine. 11 Bar when engaged and it falls to zero when stopped. My problem is it does not stop compleetly. The PTO lever is free from the fork so no half engaging. What/where can I check for it to stop compleetly ?
  131. DLTTrekkers

    JD 2440 Splitting & Disassembly Issue, Independent PTO (Less Hi-Lo & Reverser)

    Re: JD 2440 Splitting & Disassembly Issue, Independent PTO (Less Hi-Lo & Reverser)
  132. DLTTrekkers

    Elect on a JD 5425N

    All electicals is gone...clusterlights will not come on. We replaced the ign switch. Still no electrical. Please help ?
  133. DLTTrekkers

    JD X140 ?

    Whats the service intervals ?
  134. DLTTrekkers

    Foton 454

    Where to get bushes for the starter in W/Cape RSA ?
  135. DLTTrekkers


  136. DLTTrekkers


    Help needed After I repaired the front part of the Gearbox.....I have no reverse. Before opening it again I would like some handsup what went wrong ?
  137. DLTTrekkers

    JD 5425N

    Not starting and blows a fuse when in neutral Found the problem at the neutralswitch. I had to get a new switch , but that switch was to long. Had to cut the plastic off the new switch and solder the old switch s wires to the new switch.
  138. DLTTrekkers

    Case 2090 enginereplacement

    My dad bouht a Case 2090 with the BD504 engine in it . It throw a bigend bearing 4 years ago. We had to replace the crankshaft. Now we stand at that crossroad again ! Will a Cummings engine fit? And witch engine ? What mods will we have to do ? Thanks in advance . It is a white one
  139. DLTTrekkers

    case 485 - little to no hydraulics

    Sent from my B15Q using TractorByNet mobile app
  140. DLTTrekkers

    Fiat 350 S

  141. DLTTrekkers

    Fiat 350 S

    I am looking for a starter for this tractor. Some idiot lost it about 3 years ago !
  142. DLTTrekkers

    Fiat 350 S

  143. DLTTrekkers

    Fiat 350 S

    I am looking for a starter for this tractor and it must be in South Africa