Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #190,273  
came in through our email here, the avatar up top with a 1 to show you a message has come.
I went for years and never knew to look up there...

sorry I had the name wrong....sigh.

birds outside squawking and squawking, maybe not peahen volume but something has them riled up.

he sure sounds like a nice guy.
Are you Fern?
post here if you are
if I respond using our TBN email I think I'm safe. Always have been...
and his request is legitimate.

95 percent of the calls I get at home or on my cell are spam. At least that high.
so maybe I overreacted here.
Maybe Fern needs some help and I can help him.
Sure not going to buy a tractor from him...
nor will he get any personal info
not like I've been particularly private here...

and i would never click on a link from anyone I didn't know.
so I went to [Spam removed] and it looks impressive. But didn't click around on it.
It's an electronic catalog/buying guide for tractors. I think.
you worry about these things being electronic tar babies. The more you engage, the less you can get away...

Poor Fern.
He's probably some nice guy from Brisbane who now thinks Americans are nuts


New member​

Joined May 8, 2024 Messages 2 Tractor Ford 3000

Today at 1:05 PM

I was really impressed with the insights and knowledge u possess about tractors, clearly visible through your posts and helpful comments!
Your expertise on the matter can really help a small startup like mine - I recently built [Spam removed] - aimed at helping tractor buyers make informed decisions.

Would be of great great help if u can check it out for 5 mins and let me know your overall feedback :) Like would it help a new buyer seeking information on tractors?

Still say SPAM.
   / Good morning!!!! #190,274  
remember the Chinese guy with the nice family who was asking our help with understanding the american market for implements?
I was amazed how long he was up, before he disappeared, hopefully not literally.

The domain registration is so new, it does not have a named registered owner, only the godaddy host. No name/contact info for the owner on whois.
maybe I should reply only with question: are you legitimate and can you identify yourself or are you just a Godaddy phantom?

Now I think Fern with a Ford 3000 is likely to be in England, Europe or Australia?
though Tractordata says if it has a C in the serial number it was built in Michigan. England, Belgium and the US
so perhaps Fern is closer
   / Good morning!!!! #190,276  
did anyone else get a private email from FS507 asking for feedback about a tractor buying site?
trying to figure out if spam

long afternoon, glad to be home
I reported as Spam. that's the 2nd PM like that this week. I don't think the Bossman will be to keen on others advertising competitive sites here, especially if they don't pay to play.....
   / Good morning!!!! #190,277  
Another long day on the road, with 2.5 hrs of mowing, then another hour mowing when I got home.
Foggy when I left, and cool. Nice, just a little hazy overcast when I got there. Scared out 1 deer. Grass was tall, so had to go slower and took half hour longer, 2.3 hrs on the mower meter. I also cut a couple bushes with the battery saw.
   / Good morning!!!! #190,279  
Good evening all. 64ºF for the start, overcast, .8in in rain gauge. Light wind, overcast morning, clearing during afternoon, high temp was 79ºF. Made coffee to start day, took out trash, paid bills, bike ride in morning. Started mowing and neighbor came by and invited me to sit on his porch and talk, had nice time. ICVFD board meeting then dinner.
Ron good to hear progress on garden pond. Good to hear the extra 1/2 acre only cost you 15 minutes. Pretty ducks
Billy nice peacock story. Good to hear Della doing well with potty training. Glad you got to frill on Mother's day. Glad the mealworms are entertaining.
Buppies hope you get your rain. prayers sent.
Mike sorry about all the house chores and maintenance. Recovered wood wall looks great. Hope you can grass taken care of.
Drew hope the CT scan went well.
Thomas sorry about Boo present. Hope today went well.
Scott(vt) hope you got trench done and it works. Hope you body recovers soon from the digging abuse. Hope there is more closet room now.
Frits one of the best Mother's day gifts I have seen.
Plowhog that's a lot of water. Hope it works Sorry no aurora for you.
Paul hope AutoCad is progressing as you want it to. Not all days can be be super productive. Good to hear daughter only needs cane, how is pain level dropping off?
Drew CT lot easier prep :)
RNG hope you can get sprinkler system working properly. Sorry about the crack in windshield. Hope you get more stuff sold and put away.
Ken glad wife got flowers and plants hope she was happy.
RS good to hear seedlings coming along. Netting looks good. Hope agenda went well today.
David hope you got accomplished what you hoped to do. Hope HH went well and food all good.
Drew nothing in private messages, Glad you are home now.
Dennis glad lot is mowed, and some mowing at home. Nice pic
Randy(wag) glad some rain in gauge, and light agenda.
prayer for all, especially Jay/Peg, Kyle /Daughter, /mom's breathing, /son's migraines, Bird /aging issues, Ron /heart, Billy /mom hypertension & congestive heart failure, David(moss) /remodel, /divorce, Buppies /cancer, parathyroid,blood sugar /wife healing, Thomas /gout, Phil /reflux, Frits /veteran son with mental issues, /granddaughter with Evans Syndrome, Ken /dad possible dementia, /chronic fatigue, Diet not working, Steppenwolfe /son-auto immune disorder, Grev /wife's eye, Ted /knee recovery, /retirement & disability red tape, /family issues, Lou /eye issues, /heart issues, /wife hip replacement, Doug and wife/health issues, / hand nerve and surgery, /fall and recovery, / wife headaches and heart eval, / David(sadamo)/Sophie's hip or leg pain, Scaredy/shoulder dislocation, /marriage dissolving, / friend stop drinking, Dennis /retirement, /neighbor issues, /land development, /favorable winds not in the forecast there, /dad surgery recovery, Drew /back operation issues, /friend's wife cancer diagnosis and recovery, Scotty /back pain, Helogabals /wife's friend situation, Fatjay /father broken hip, Israel, Ukraine war, and Country.
   / Good morning!!!! #190,280  
Coffee is done brewing. 57° with partly cloudy skies this morning. Heading to 68° with cloudy skies. Yesterday got out early and put new ridge cap on pole barn. Even though it was early it got hot up there quickly. Then hauled another load of chips/mulch for neighbor. New glasses are in. Will pick them up today. Have some shopping to do at Menards while I am out. No other plans.

Everyone stay well and safe.

Good Morning All.