Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #190,851  
Here's the whole house reversed, with kitchen on same side as the other water stuff. this keeps
   / Good morning!!!! #190,853  
That is a shame actually, with Afib and sleep apnea I can't pass the DOT physical either.
I was going to click on 'good post' but to my way of thinking it is not a good thing when we can't pass the Dot medicals. The good thing is that I only have 2.25 years to go until I would have to do the whole enchilada e v e r y year anyway. For me that is written, road, medical and eye test at age 80 plus. There is nothing wrong with the mind, it is my body that is going for a dump. :(
   / Good morning!!!! #190,856  
Good evening all. Just a quickie tonight and head for bed. Visit with stepson went well. Went for swim in Meramec river and it was cold. About the time we were getting used to water heard thunder and got out. will catch up Sunday.
   / Good morning!!!! #190,857  
Coffee is brewing. 63° with cloudy skies this morning. Heading to 78° with plenty of sun. Ended up mowing the grass yesterday. It sure was hot. Then cleaned both machines. Today I will be doing some tree trimming in front yard. Limbs seem to be lower now that they are full of leaves.

Everyone stay well and safe.

Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #190,858  
good morning all
some of us are up too early...
my excuse is trip to airport in an hour to take a friend.
then back to a warm sunny day

hope you all have a great long weekend.
and may we remember those who gave their lives on our behalf

big sign at Dover Airforce Base that I read each time I go up route 1 in DE

All gave some
Some gave all
   / Good morning!!!! #190,859  
61 this morning high in low 80s going no where for this weekend maybe work in the yard. Skin cancer removal scheduled for end of July.

Slow and easy L4N and I thought my BP at 134|66 was good that’s impressive

Enjoy your trip mostly, Ron nice squirrel, pancakes look good Drew, Cabin plan coming together BEF, Thomas prayers for tumor removal, glad you and wife enjoyed time with middle daughter riptides, Don everything coming together

Prayers for all silent or spoken our Country