Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #80,441  
Morning all. Drizzle out this AM. 70 outside heading to lower 80's. Chance of rain as a cold front moves through.

It is a Motrin morning this AM. Back and hands took a beating over the weekend. Did not wear my boots and my toe tells me something landed on it too. Funny how you can incur hits and keep on ticking....except for the next day. Got some nice welts from sweat bees or flies too.

Watch out for flying corn? Yikes that is scary. Lots of excitement in the TBN world.

On the run in..probably no color for a while. I do have a sprayer but I don't have the time.

I noticed more trees down along another fence line when I was out there. Pretty sad I cannot walk my lines these days. The dogs and I use to do that every day. Sniff...... now it is just not effective use of time.

Maybe in a few months I can get more mastery of the clock.

Have a great day all. Be safe.
   / Good morning!!!! #80,442  
Morning all. Hope my day is less exciting than Kyle and Ed.
Looks like rain chasing me today, time to get moving.
   / Good morning!!!! #80,443  
Good morning! 80˚ heading to 100˚. No rain last week and the grass is slow growing.

We practiced an extra Bocce ball game yesterday evening when the temp cooled down to 99˚ with 8 others. The "newbie" class consist of 51 people (20 men 31 women) and we meet for 3 Fridays to learn the rules, Sun City Rules and International rules. One game takes an hour and it reminds me of a combination of the games: bowling, croquet, and horse shoes. It's an outdoor game my Mom could play when she visits.

Today there is a strength&stretch class in the afternoon and I still have to figure which new activity to try this week.

Ron no wood working projects planned but I'm ready to learn what the machines can do.

Need a tracking device to slip on the tractors they keep disappearing.
   / Good morning!!!! #80,444  
Good morning to all! Low of 47ー, going up to 84ー. No rain over the weekend. Saturday got real cloudy, but no storms here. Yesterday started clear, but then a haze started. By the afternoon, visibility went down to 5-7 miles....what the? Lost sight of the mountains surrounding us. Saw on the news that a front and upper level winds was sucking the smoke from in California down to us. Didn't smell anything and didn't get any respiratory problems, so can't complain about the smoke blocking out some sun keeping the temps down.

Yesterday was the 35th time that wifey and I made the symbiotic chaotic journey around the sun together (anniversary). Best friends, partners, definitely better halves. A lot has happened over those years, some sad, some bad, some great, but we did it all together. Wouldn't want to change anything. My only question is: where did all that time go?

The next phase and big changes in our lives has begun. Downsizing, consolidating, simplicity.... So far so good. Now the challenge is healing things that are broken, making sure nothing else get broken, and sticking to the plan.

Ed and Kyle, wow, so much action going on... Glad that you both weren't involved any further than being bystanders... Crazy stuff.

Drew, have you totaled the weight of the vegetables taken to the panty? I know you had weighed the potatoes, but was wondering about all the rest. Any guesses?

Rip, nice run in. A lot of heavy work there, lot of overhead stuff. Looking good.

I remember Jay saying he was going on vacation to visit family, but don't remember when or for how long. I hope he is OK in any case.

Hope everyone has a great start to the week. Prayers out for those needing.
   / Good morning!!!! #80,445  
It was 43° for the low this morning, yesterday was in the mid 70's sunny and nice a breeze. How they are saying a 80% chance of showers and thunderstorms this afternoon. With the high in the mid 80's. They didn't show that last night when I looked at the weather app.

The neighbor stopped by last night and asked for help loading some goats this evening. He is taking them down to auction in Ogden Ut in the morning. I have helped one other time, it was pretty much a rodeo. We'll see how this one goes.

Don't have anything other plans for the rest of the day.

LS ... Happy anniversary to you and your wife. Hope you have a great day.

Hope everyone gets a good start to the week.
   / Good morning!!!! #80,446  
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LS and many more you are blessed

Riptides if you ever need help let me know and I’ll see if I can help you

Thomas sorry about camera sure it’s not two legged
   / Good morning!!!! #80,447  
68°F and cloudy this morning, going up to 85° today. More rain and storms expected later this afternoon.

Thunder and lightning woke me around 4am this morning. Those storms moved out by the time I left for work. Saw a big Lincoln down in the ditch on the side of I-64. Some people seem to believe they are immune to the consequences of disregarding basic principles of science. Lots of "spinout" accidents in the traffic reports.

Wife picked up a couple more ducks yesterday, a mating pair, so we're up to seven now. This is starting to remind me of the "three or four" chickens we were going to get. We built a small coop for them, and fenced in an area near the chickens for now. Once they get used to this being home now, we'll let them out to the lake.

DLee's ducks.JPG

As for keeping it cleaner, it's been overwhelmed recently with duckweed. There is also an occasional algae problem when it sits still too long. The ducks will help with that. Not to the level of an aeration system, which we've also discussed, but better than nothing. Plus, frankly, I think she really just wanted some ducks.

We finally got to pick some peaches yesterday. They just started turning a few days ago. I've been a bit impatient, as I really love peaches.

Peach 2018.JPG

Got some of the washout spots repaired in the driveway yesterday morning as well. Productive day.
   / Good morning!!!! #80,448  
Happy Anniversary Ted.
Today was 22 pounds, yes each box gets weighed when I come in, no idea of total, but will when they send me a receipt for total pounds.
Had a nice 1.1 pound German Pink tomato to give plus my first purple peppers.


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   / Good morning!!!! #80,449  
Happy Anniversary, Ted!

Another nice haul there, Drew.

... and you guys with all the excitement - backyard manhunts, rolling cars and flying corn - glad no one was seriously injured.

Welcome to the craziness that is the Good Morning thread, ABOI. It's not always this exciting here, but it is always entertaining.
   / Good morning!!!! #80,450  
Thomas sorry about camera sure it’s not two legged.
Cam was located near raspberry patch and many signs of bear enjoying the berries,plastic clips were snap off and camera strap still tie to tree,also old pine stump had been paw around.... I lose least camera a year turkeys are the worst.