Ford FORD4600 4.00 star(s) (2)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Ford FORD4600.
50-100 HP Tractors

About the Ford FORD4600

Ford FORD4600 Discussions (52)

Here are the most recent FORD4600 topics from our community.
  1. sawtooth

    Low hour Ford 4600

    Guys I'm considering buying a "supposedly" low hour Ford 4600. Apparently, it was used in a very small field to mow a couple times a year over the past 25 plus years. For the past 3 years it has...
  2. E

    Ford 4600 bush hog on slope

    Hi, I recently moved to live on a mountain and am new to mowing on anything but flat ground. I have a Ford 4600 tractor with wheel weights and 3 front weights and no loader. I just installed a...
  3. A

    Grapple Grapple and stump bucket recommendations for a Ford 4600 W/ 735 loader

    Hi all, I need to clean up several acres (20+) of 3 year old cutover. Regrowth is minimal and most stumps are showing some rot. I am considering getting a W.R. Long adaptor plate to convert my...
  4. G

    Ford 4600 solenoid wiring

    I need help hooking the wires back up to the solenoid switch.....can't seem to find a good diagram. An explanation of what each of the four posts is for would be very helpful. Thanks!
  5. D

    Ford 4600 lift problem

    Hello. At the beginning I want to apologize for the spelling, but translators are translate google translate because I'm from another country. I have bought a FORD 4600 tractor for a long time...
  6. J


    Here is what is on my 4600. It only has a single remote. Looking at it from the back So here's my question...I just bought a ford series 204 disc harrow with flexo hitch with travel wheels...
  7. S

    Ford 4600 hydraulic question

    I bought a FORD 4600 with Bush Hog brand loader on it a while back for what seemed to be a fair price. Seems to be a really good solid tractor with only 735 something hours on it. I am the third...
  8. rjman

    Ford 4600 transmission fluid

    I am looking to change the transmission fluid in my Ford 4600. From what I understand, the transmission fluid is separate from the hydraulic fluid on this tractor. I have seen plenty of...
  9. sawtooth

    ford 4600 diesel thermostat

    guys there are 3 thermostat options for my tractor. which one is the standard?
  10. sawtooth

    Ford 4600 cooling issue

    Ok I think I have a issue. Let's start from the top. I bought this tractor and seems to run and crank very well. But I first did a coolant flush and got rust colored coolant out. Filled with...
  11. P

    Ford 4600 coolant leak....

    ok... my BIL has a Ford 4600 with the diesel engine.... he is telling me that its got a major coolant leak at a freeze plug at the rear of the cylinder block. He took it to a local guy that told...
  12. G

    Ford 4600 very slow pulsing hydraulics

    Hello Im new to the forum, so this is my first post apart from the introductions post. I've been looking at a 4600 (1981-82 model) with Q cab. It has a 3pt linkage and a front end loader fitted...
  13. D

    Price Check Ford 4600 English

    I have a Ford 4600 made in England that works very well and I am thinking of selling it. The hour meter does not work so I do not know the hours, does anyone have an idea of a value? Thanks.
  14. C

    1977 ford 4600 wont start

    tractor belonged to my late father inlaw. brought it home this weekend to use around the house. cut off a few times due to clogged screen in fuel tank. got that fixed. went to start it and it wont...
  15. T

    Ford 4600 Hydraulic System

    My family has a Ford 4600 with a Kelley front end loader and a rear three point hydraulic mounting system. My grandfather passed away in 2001, and the tractor hasn't moved an inch until yesterday...
  16. W

    Oil & Fuel Type of engine oil for Ford 4600 SU gas burner?

    I have a ford 4600 SU gas burner and am needing to know what kind of engine oil to use in it. I do not have a manual to reference and cannot find any information online that answers this question...
  17. F

    Oil & Fuel Ford 4600

    Stupid question but how do you add oil to a ford 4600 there's no oil cap on the valve cover
  18. D

    Ford 4600 ?

    Any opinions on this 2WD Ford 4600? Good bad or indifferent? Bob
  19. sawtooth

    Ford 4600 engine temp

    I have a infrared thermometer and want to check my Ford 4600 engine temp. What area or areas do I check to get the best reading. Right now the manifold and just above the manifold on the engines...
  20. Y

    Ford 4600 hydraulics oozing fluid when lifting a tipper trailer

    Hi, Maybe there's an old thread with the same problem - We are fairly new to crofting and now I have a ford 4600 with a tipper trailer. The trailer is fine. The tractor has hydraulic input...
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User Reviews (2)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Ford FORD4600 Subcompact Tractor
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4.00 star(s)

FORD4600 Ford
Ford 4600
Model Year: 1980

Great tractor for agricultural and land maintenance. Very reliable, easy to work on.

Pros: Reliable, strong horsepower to weight ratio.
Cons: None.

4.00 star(s)

FORD4600 Ford
Spot Sprayer in Row Crop, Good Viz, Tight Turns
Model Year: 1978

Can't vouch for the year. Very good for pulling a sprayer and seeing target weeds. I gave 3 on performance only because it's light and spins out.

Pros: Very handy.
Cons: 'tis old. Needs something worth multi-hundred dollars every year.

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Ford FORD4600 Owner Pages

View owner pages to see photos, customization and comments about member-owner Ford FORD4600s

Ford FORD4600 Community Rankings

#202 user rating of 1508 50-100 HP Tractors items
#1089 Viewed of 1508 50-100 HP Tractors items
#31 discussed of 1508 50-100 HP Tractors items
#1380 user rating of 19624 items overall
#7315 Viewed of 19624 items overall
#281 discussed of 19624 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19624 items overall