Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #190,781  
How much is spray foam? Pm me if you want.
Walls 2x6?

18k. The code requires R49 in the ceiling, I have a vaulted ceiling which means that the insulation has to be in the rafters, with foam I can use 2x10 rafters and get R49. Otherwise I would have needed to use TJI’s for rafters.
I can also use 2x4 walls and get R21.
   / Good morning!!!! #190,782  
Good Morning
68° now, high just under 80 forecast. Yesterday made it to the upper 80’s. A good day to pour concrete.

A lot of progress yesterday, footings all dug out and rebar in place, concrete poured.




I did my best to keep the crew hydrated, went through a case and a half of bottled water as well as 2 5 gallon pails of ice in the turquoise cooler on the left of the above picture. Fired up the grill and fed them burgers and dogs for lunch.

Grandson had a great time watching the concrete being placed and all the activity in general.

Today I’ve got to head out just after noon to go back to Portland, so they’re on their own for lunch.
   / Good morning!!!! #190,783  
considering my attempt at weightlessness failed
Yikes that sounds nasty! Glad the damage seems minimal and hope the neck improves rapidly. So so scary!

Forecast is 70F and sunny today. Nice weather.

Yesterday's work plan blew up. I cannot empty the trailer full of wood chips because my pasture was flooded. A neighbor left a water ditch slide gate open. Aahhh...

Since the trailer can't be emptied, I can't get a load of gravel to finish the front planter. I could drive on the pasture by Saturday to empty the trailer-- but need to be in CA tomorrow. Amazing how a single obstacle can cascade into other things. Oh well.

Everyone have a great day !!!
   / Good morning!!!! #190,784  
64 this morning high in 80s storms possible most of day. Diabetes doctor happy A1C 6.6, skin doctor not so much 2 basil cells, 2 squamous cells I’m going for a record and not the one one wants.

Nice story about Boo Thomas

Prayers for all our County
   / Good morning!!!! #190,785  
Good Morning,
Ct, 64 to start going to 77. Sunny now but increasing chance of thunderstorms later today ! We will be leaving for Vt later this afternoon.

Scott(vt) wonder if there is problem with filter with the low reading.
Mostly, right now filter still lower pressure but the water looks good other than the large amount of pollen on the surface. Nothing I can do about that. So we will keep an eye on it, and pull the filter apart at some point.

Dennis, when we put the addition on our Vermont cabin, 18’x28’ with another bed room above we insulated the heck out of that room ! We used 2 by 6 construction and we also blew in insulation in the ceiling ! I have the Hearthstone Heritage wood stove in the room, and I have to be very careful not to blow us out of the room with heat !

Hope all have a good day ! 🙏
   / Good morning!!!! #190,786  
Morning all, 68 going to 82 and calling for rain/thunder
Spent a few hours powerwashing the pool, the rain + pollen really put on a thick layer.
But plowing through, a but over 50% done.
Didn't get to anything else.

The garter snake that lives under the cement umbrella weights got fussy with all the water and slinked out, it's getting bigger and probably 2' long now.

Sorry to hear more skin work Buppies, hope not too painful and less in the future.

Scotty - when you backwash the filter does the flow seem right?

Off to close the pool house windows. If rain not too bad will continue PW Pool deck.
Need to check fuses in wife's car, window switches stopped working.

Be well,
Snake house all clean now

only 3 bug slabs to go ! Corner past stairs complete when I stopped for the evening.
   / Good morning!!!! #190,788  
Ken you use any cleaning agent for your concrete power washing?

It is so time consuming here, I am looking for an easy out.
I use plain water since some will get into the pool.
Could use mild bleach if I wanted, but then that would get into the grass.

That' why it takes so long. Don't even use the high pressure head as it has a tendency to tear into the concrete of the pool a bit. Grit in pool is not good.

On the back deck I use the high pressure head so it goes faster, but that cement is old and hard and can take it.

One day I will get a real pw and a scrubbing head, that would probably speed things up.
   / Good morning!!!! #190,789  
getting dark out, thunderstorms over Ken's home now likely coming this way
shows lightning involved
put things away outside, covered the ebike after washing pollen off it.
running wash and being domestic today

at least the rain washes the pollen off everything, for a few hours
colors are much brighter after a trip through Mother Nature's car wash

when i got home from this trip yesterday my dark blue volvo was a sickly grey yellow
the pines are starting to mate, the males spout off all this pollen, seemingly way more than needed

but wait, I guess I should just go out and eat the pine pollen
apparently some think it's good for us
with my seasonal allergies i sure don't think so, I'll pass

   / Good morning!!!! #190,790  
Hooked a bungee cord up to support the dangling light, then went up into the attic to disconnect the wire. It was then I heard an engine running on the driveway, so I climbed down to meet another neighbor that had stopped by to see if I could fix a battery charger for him. The power cord pulled out, and I couldn't guess where it was hooked up. But while he was there, I got his help to rig the trailer tongue up to the tractor forks, and we got it set up on end. He dropped the safety lockout on the FEL, then we braced it up with a 2x4 for good measure. Spent the rest of the afternoon wire wheeling the underside, then treating with POR-15 Metal Prep. I hope to get a couple coats of POR-15 paint on it today, and get it back down on the wheels.
that's something you don't see every day...
