JD 2305 vs. BX24

   / JD 2305 vs. BX24 #41  
Cliff_Johns said:
That''s interesting. When I bought mine at 0%(JD), the dealer specifically said it made no difference to him if I paid by check or used the 0%. He said I should use the 0% and use the cash for something else. So I did.


Same here so I used JDs money and let mine sit in the bank.

My cost on the JD was actually just about the same or a little lower then the BX24 and I much preferred the location of the loader controls among other things. Bought it last August and wish I had of sooner.
   / JD 2305 vs. BX24 #42  
Kubota had not become americanized with financing back charges until just this year. All other american companies do, have been and will continue to back charge as I call it or indirectly charge for low rate financing vs cash outright deals.
   / JD 2305 vs. BX24 #43  
art said:
Kubota had not become americanized with financing back charges until just this year. All other american companies do, have been and will continue to back charge as I call it or indirectly charge for low rate financing vs cash outright deals.

It was the John Deere dealer that told me either cash or finance it did not matter to them. I bought the John Deere.
   / JD 2305 vs. BX24 #44  
i paid 15,000 for my bx 23 included in that was the loader and backhoe.
how much is then john yandeer with loader and backhoe?
   / JD 2305 vs. BX24
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Here are some price breakdowns for what I am interested in so far.

Tractor - 10044.77
Loader - 2405.47
BH - 4587.47
62" Deck - 1639.90
54" Snow Plow - 1050.70
Filled turf tires - 125
Total - 19853.31

60" Mower
60" Snowplow
Turf tire
Filled tires
Total - 20500

Don't have indivdual price breakdown for the Kubota. I did see the TLB on the sales floor with a tag on it for 17,900 or so.

None of the dealers seem to be put off by any kind of financing, they actually seemed to push it more than anything else.
   / JD 2305 vs. BX24 #47  

Green is such a pretty color, don't you think??? :D :D :D Seriously, though - good luck with your purchase - don't hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions!
   / JD 2305 vs. BX24 #48  
archerynut said:
Here are some price breakdowns for what I am interested in so far.

Tractor - 10044.77
Loader - 2405.47
BH - 4587.47
62" Deck - 1639.90
54" Snow Plow - 1050.70
Filled turf tires - 125
Total - 19853.31

60" Mower
60" Snowplow
Turf tire
Filled tires
Total - 20500

Don't have indivdual price breakdown for the Kubota. I did see the TLB on the sales floor with a tag on it for 17,900 or so.

None of the dealers seem to be put off by any kind of financing, they actually seemed to push it more than anything else.

wonder why the bx24 is so much more than the bx23, is the 23 still available? think i would save the cash and buy a 23 if you can still get one. 4 to 5 grand left buys all ya want and you have some left over for that tooth bar your gonna want later, lol
i dont know how much a b21 is but im thinking its right about 20 and some change, i could be wrong. I know the guys in the shop at the kubota dealer told me it was alot more machine than the bx23, made for industrial use. I know if i had to do it again i would definatly go that way.

woohooo 60 degrees today and i played, oops i mean worked with my bota all afternoon, the tooth bar was amazing on a gravel drive so i did 3 of them, lol
   / JD 2305 vs. BX24
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Tooth bar is one the list of attachments I am considering. Both dealers recommend the Markham toothbar for both machines. With all of the attachments I think that I may have to build that new garage sooner than later. Wonder how my wife will feel about parking outside in the cold so my tractor can stay warm (not too pleased I am sure, since it was -7 here last night.)
   / JD 2305 vs. BX24
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I am suffering greatly with my tractor decision making process. Oh the horror. The mental anguish is about all that I can take. Weather here the last two days has been awful, all I can do is sit inside and "research" which tractor I really want. I find myself daydreaming of days in the seat of a new tractor. Anyways, to add fuel to the fire, I was now thinking of moving from a SCUT up to a CUT. I am going to look at a JD 2320 and 2520 and the Kubota B series. I know that the SCUTs are tough little machines, but I am having thoughs that I may want a larger tractor immediately following the purchase of the SCUT, and no I don't want one of each. So, any thoughts on the 2320, 2520, or the B series and how they compare.

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