Thread Display mode, hybrid

   / Thread Display mode, hybrid #1  


Super Star Member
Sep 6, 2003
Power-Trac 1445, KUBOTA B-9200HST
   / Thread Display mode, hybrid
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Is there no one else that has this irritating mode switching thing going on, from the Linear mode to Hybrid mode. I have sent all data to the support people, and all they could recommend was to reset cookies, which I have done many times. They also say they consider the matter closed because I have not responded to their email, but I have sent back many replies. Don't know what is happening with the sending and receiving thing. I can manually switch it back, or to any mode that I want. Based on my edit options page. It is and has been set to Linear mode, and never been changed, so what is going on.
   / Thread Display mode, hybrid #3  
Its only happened to Me once JJ . Saturday I beleive , I closed my browser , reopened it & all was normall. I figured it had something to do with the other errors from time to time . Bob
   / Thread Display mode, hybrid #4  
I have been unable to duplicate the problem on any threads. What browser are you using?
   / Thread Display mode, hybrid
  • Thread Starter
I have been unable to duplicate the problem on any threads. What browser are you using?

I am using IE8, and Windows XP, Media Center edition

When I selected this post it came up in Hybrid mode.

If the thread display mode is set up in edit options, it should always come up in Linear mode, correct? However you can shift the modes on the right side of the page, whenever.

Whatever is happening, it seems random.

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