anyone using a WoodMaxx blower??

   / anyone using a WoodMaxx blower?? #41  
My order was placed August 25th, but it was pretty clear the blowers wouldn't start shipping until October or November. Yeah, better order one soon if you want it to arrive before the snow starts flying. :)

I ordered the SB60" with electric chute option on Sept 25th and it shipped yesterday arriving next week. I have been looking for a used unit for the last 2 years, but the low price around here is $1500 for an older one, to $2000 for a lightly used one.

The price point of $2250 (manual chute), and reading reviews on here, and pretty stout construction is the reason I went new than used. I figure if I want to sell it in 10 years it will still be worth $1500-1800.

My tractor is underpowered for the 60" but wanted to cover the tracks and will just go slow in low range HST which should be fine.
   / anyone using a WoodMaxx blower?? #42  
To all of you who recently ordered a woodmaxx snowblower let me say you will not be disappointed. I purchased in 2013 and have 2 seasons of use it does a good job. The first year I had a JD 855 (24 hp) then last year upgraded to 2032R worked well on both. I also have electric,
Had to put in a larger fuse.

Sent from my iPad using TractorByNet
   / anyone using a WoodMaxx blower?? #43  
Does anyone have the manual turn shoot? Looks like it wouldn't be to bad on this model. Rotator comes all the way up to the rops!
   / anyone using a WoodMaxx blower?? #44  
Does anyone have the manual turn shoot? Looks like it wouldn't be to bad on this model. Rotator comes all the way up to the rops!

Peter, I agree the manual chute doesn't look bad at all - three turns for 360, and that was what I ordered initially. Then I looked at the add on cost later $475 for the electric and decided to bite the bullet and get the electric now. I have a walk behind SB with manual chute and do a lot of blowing close to buildings and wanted faster directional control of the snow.

I did look into getting the linear actuator for about $60 the chute motor for $50-60, and then maybe $40 more for brackets, wiring and switches so I figured $150 total project plus time. It came down to time (I am traveling for the next three weeks) and I wanted it to look factory as I don't have a machine shop and just wanted it to function properly.
   / anyone using a WoodMaxx blower?? #45  
Carl, did your SB-60 arrive? Pics? :)

I called Woodmaxx on Monday and got the ball rolling on my SB-72 order from August. Their claim was my SB-72 was in, but their outgoing shipping was backed up. I hope they didn't lose focus on the people who put down $100 deposits. In any event, I have now paid in full and I expect the SB-72 will ship in the coming days.
   / anyone using a WoodMaxx blower?? #46  
Yes mine arrived last Tuesday - two days from shipment and I have been traveling but did get the chute and electrical done last weekend

I still have the backhoe on so no pics installed yet

I will say it's a well built unit and everything fits.

When I get back thus weekend I will take some pics

   / anyone using a WoodMaxx blower?? #47  
Carl, did your SB-60 arrive? Pics? :)

I called Woodmaxx on Monday and got the ball rolling on my SB-72 order from August. Their claim was my SB-72 was in, but their outgoing shipping was backed up. I hope they didn't lose focus on the people who put down $100 deposits. In any event, I have now paid in full and I expect the SB-72 will ship in the coming days.

Here are some pics - its still on the shipping crate as I have my BH on yet doing some late fall wood cutting.

- Shipping crate is steel - I intend to cut it down and put casters on it - already got 8 4" casters on ebay and will make two dollys - 1 for the SB and one for the BH for storage

- Electric rotator and actuator - the chute motor is heavy duty and mounting is 1/4" steel - nice covers too - I needed to adjust the gear on the motor to center it on the chute gear - just used a large flat washer under the locking plate - the pic is before adding the flat washer

- Wiring - the chute motor has like a 10' long connection and the linear actuator 7' so when you get them connected they are unequal length they will hook up OK though.

- The bolts for mounting the chute motor I thought were missing so bought new ones - here they were zip tied to the motor leads.

- Impeller run out - about 1/8" as it rotates - they said this is normal... haven't run it yet though to see if this creates any vibration issues. Control 1.JPGControl 2.JPGGear.JPG3Pt.JPGAuger.JPGChute Motor.JPG

All in all a nice unit - you will be pleased I think.

   / anyone using a WoodMaxx blower?? #48  
Carl, did your SB-60 arrive? Pics? :)

I called Woodmaxx on Monday and got the ball rolling on my SB-72 order from August. Their claim was my SB-72 was in, but their outgoing shipping was backed up. I hope they didn't lose focus on the people who put down $100 deposits. In any event, I have now paid in full and I expect the SB-72 will ship in the coming days.

So did you get your SB yet? I have mine mounted now. Have ran it too - seems to run pretty smooth when straight coupled, but when I put the 3PT all the way down it does have a bit of noise and whine in the PTO shaft area.

I have measured the angle and it is 22.5 degrees total so everything I have read indicates this is OK.

The pics look fine on my PC but for some reason when I upload they are rotated..


  • B21 SB 60-2.JPG
    B21 SB 60-2.JPG
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  • B21 SB 60.JPG
    B21 SB 60.JPG
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  • SB Side View.JPG
    SB Side View.JPG
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   / anyone using a WoodMaxx blower?? #49  
Thank you for posting the pictures! I'm sorry for the belated reply, but my SB-72 arrived about 2.5 weeks ago. About the same time my company informed us they were outsourcing my department (IT), so I haven't been in much of a mood to post online. In any event, unpacking and putting the snowblower together was a welcome distraction from my office woes. :)

Could the whine coming from your PTO area be the edge of the plastic PTO guard rubbing on the U-Joint yoke? Mine does that in the lowered position and makes some noise.

I will post some pics and video of my SB-72 shortly.
   / anyone using a WoodMaxx blower?? #50  
Here are some pics from the delivery day and unpacking the SB-72. It did arrive by an 18-wheeler.

20151119_150215.jpg20151119_150154 (Medium).jpg20151119_161523 (Medium).jpg20151119_161543 (Medium).jpg20151119_161558 (Medium).jpg20151119_161625 (Medium).jpg20151119_201300 (Medium).jpg

My Thoughts I recall at the time:
1) I'm glad I purchased 48 inch pallet forks, I think 42" forks may not be able to catch the edge of the frame when lifting the unit off the truck bed.
2) The paint is a darker yellow then my wood chipper, this yellow is more schoolbus yellow, the chipper is more cub cadet yellow.
3) Overall pretty happy with the quality and welds, etc.
4) The steel frame needed cutting, I used a cutting wheel, but I'm happy to have the scrap metal for other projects!
5) No manual was included, but there was a note apologizing for that and explaining to download it from the website. The note also said the printed manual will be sent to me when its available. The online manual (PDF) was very good, no complaints there.
6) It appears the cardboard box containing the hydraulic kit became unstrapped, but no damage anywhere.

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