Kubota L295 5.00 star(s) (1)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Kubota L295.
25-50 HP Tractors

About the Kubota L295

Kubota L295 Discussions (40)

Here are the most recent L295 topics from our community.
  1. Restoregrets

    Kubota L295 for 900$ worth it?

    Hello everyone, So a good mate of mines getting rid of his Kubota, the story is that he was using it, it started to become smokey. He then drove it for Abit, before he turned it off and left it...
  2. D

    Buying a tractor: Yanmar 3810D or Kubota L295DT

    I'm looking at up sizing from my little 18HP Kubota with turf tires, to something that can actually pull and has a loader. I'm on 20 acres, need to mow some of it occasionally, mainly wanting a...
  3. L

    Buying Advice Any ideas what a mint condition L295DT is worth?

    Brand new to your forum. My old Ford is about to die and I'm interested in a Kubota around the corner from me that looks like it just came out of the crate. It's beautiful. He's asking $11,900...
  4. S

    L295DT front pto flex shaft for loader

    Hi, I have a Kubota L295DT with an after-market front end loader. I believe the tractor and loader are late 1970's vintage, and have learned that the loaders were typically after-market add-ons...
  5. R

    Kubota, L295 DT with D1301D engine 1981-1982

    Engine is overheating. Replaced head (new) 100 hrs ago, new water pump last year, new thermostat, temp sender, radiator has been boiled out and rodded and is like new. Replaced soft plug on block...
  6. T

    More buying help L295DT??

    Any info you can give me about the L295DT. I found one for what I think is a good price $4800. Is that a good price? Is this a good machine aside from the fact that its a Kubota :D How much does...
  7. S

    Kubota l295dt loader issue

    I recently bought a 1983 kubota l295dt. It came with power steering well it was leaking bad. I removed it and put the steering arm back in place (the dealership still had it). I filled it back up...
  8. G

    L295DT Tachometer stopped working

    The tachometer on my 1980 L295DT has stopped working. The arrow on the gauge does not move when the engine is operating. I checked the connection on the back of gauge and it appears to be secure...
  9. U

    Buying Advice Kubota L295DT Advice Needed

    Hi, New to this forum and first return to tractors since my childhood with Fords from the 80's. I've purchased an old 5 acre old farm and want a tractor to do the winter plowing and help me...
  10. J

    kubota L295DT Hydraulic reservoir

    Hello everyone, I am posting for my wonderful 80 year old neighbor. His 30 year old L295DT finally needed it's first repair ouside of routine maintenance. He blew a hydraulic line while using...
  11. R

    3-Point Hitch Lower Links 1978 L295DT

    Hi Guys, My tractor came with a hoe on the back instead of the 3pt. Now that the hoe is removed I been trying to get the right 3 pt configuration. I have the right check chains, but have...
  12. D

    Automatic steering leak. L295DT

    Can anyone tell me what this hole in the housing is there for? It’s dripping hydraulic fluid like a faucet that needs a new gasket or money going out the window like Bidenomics. 😵‍💫 6 volt VW...
  13. F

    A few pointers for ancient L295DT's -- leaks from steering column

    Sooner or later, the four bolts that hold the steering column on the transmission are going to get loose. Tranny juice will splash out from under the column, run down the side of the critter and...
  14. B

    Kubota L295DT Rebuild Kit

    I've got an early 80's Kubota L295DT tractor with Low Compression, I've had two different dealers tell me you could not get a rebuild kit, each part would have to be bought seperately...just...
  15. T

    Price Check How much to charge for a L295DT in fair to good condition

    No FEL, thinking about including FORD 5' snowblower. Unknown hours since meter does not work. Second owner. Full sets of (old ) ag tires as well as (newer (2-300hours ) turf tires. Tractor is...
  16. D

    L295DT W/FEL

    I'm looking at buying this tractor. Its runs good. Looks like ****. FEL has alots of re-welded areas. What should I look for with one of these? Advise? $6,000.00 purchase price.
  17. C

    Price Check 1975 Kubota L295DT

    I may have a chance to buy a 1975 Kubota L295DT. the clock says 2300 hours, I think it is right, the tin is rusty and dented, it appears to have some small leaks, the tires are about 50%, and it...
  18. B

    L295 transmission cover

    I lost reverse on the L295 that I use and upon removing the gear shift lever assembly/cover I found the forked gear moving arm was broken for the reverse. I replaced it but then ran into the...
  19. D

    Looking for ROPS for L295DT

    Last spring my son in Utah bought a Kubota L295DT, with attachments. He is the second owner. I've been looking around for him for a source for a ROPS. I did find one company that can provide a...
  20. M

    Loader Control Valve Replacement '79 Kubota L295DT

    Loader Control Valve Replacement \'79 Kubota L295DT I have isolated the reason for my loader bucket slowly drooping. The Control Valve. Although the lift valve is fine, the curl valve is leaking...
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User Reviews (1)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Kubota L295 Subcompact Tractor
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5.00 star(s)

L295 Kubota
Kubota L295DT
Model Year: 0

Nice mid size tractor with 4x4.

Pros: Nice mid size tractor with 4 wheel drive.
Cons: No p.s. and after market F.E.L. not that good.

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Kubota L295 Owner Pages

View owner pages to see photos, customization and comments about member-owner Kubota L295s

Kubota L295 Community Rankings

#1 user rating of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#266 Viewed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#156 discussed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#1 user rating of 19625 items overall
#708 Viewed of 19625 items overall
#342 discussed of 19625 items overall
#8 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19625 items overall