Ferguson TO-30 4.60 star(s) (24)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Ferguson TO-30.
Vintage Tractors

About the Ferguson TO-30

Ferguson TO-30 Discussions (12)

Here are the most recent TO-30 topics from our community.
  1. J

    Ferguson TO-30 with a Mid-Western Davis backhoe

    Looking for some advice... I'm looking at a Harry Ferguson TO-30 tractor with an aftermarket attachment. The attachment is a Mid-Western Davis backhoe and loader.... Only the backhoe seems to...
  2. N

    Ferguson TO-30 pos or neg ground?

    I just bought a decent TO-30. The specs say that is has a positive ground off the 6 volt battery. The tractor I just bought has negative gounding. The engine starts well. Is this possible?
  3. somanytractors

    What type of fluid is recommended for a ferguson to-30

    My to-30 is low on tranny fluid and I'm not sure exactly what kind to use. I've read that the ford 90 from TSC will work. I don't know this to be fact. I read it somewhere. Is this correct? And is...
  4. T

    Clutch Noise - Ferguson TO-30

    Wondering what I am "in for." When I start my Ferguson TO-30 for the first time of the day and let my foot off of the clutch I somewhat soft groaning / low pitch whine. After it has been running...
  5. Lazy

    Ferguson to-30

    Hi I have a TO-30 tractor and need some information, we just bought a service manual and parts manual but it didn't help. On top of and in the upper right hand corrner there are two rods coming...
  6. BKBrown

    Price Check How to determine fair price to sell 51 Ferguson TO-30

    I have a 51 Ferguson TO-30 that was purchased new by a neighbor - It runs and has several attachments. How would I determine a fair selling price ? Thanks, B.K. Brown
  7. Moxie 15

    Ferguson TO-30

    I have a chance to purchase a 1954 TO-30 that the owner claims it has a steering 'issue' turning to the right. He claims a steering box can be had for $350. Sooo... Does that sound true? I could...
  8. B

    Harry Ferguson TO-30?!?! Model #100

    At least I think that is what it is. Can you tell me more about it? I'd like to do some light farm work with it like moving round bales around, moving manure and york raking. Will this tractor...
  9. K

    Ferguson TO-30 for sale ...wondering about parts availability

    Looking at this Ferguson TO-30 and wondering about the availability of parts. From a quick search online it looks like it could be a problem. Any comments? TIA...Chris
  10. B

    Thinking about dropping Ferguson TO-30 oil pan

    Hello Friends, I am in the middle of an oil change on the ol' TO-30, getting ready for spring. The oil filter canister had a little sludge in it. Im thinking about dropping the pan and giving...
  11. D

    Ferguson TO-30 2-Row Front Mounted Planter, Cultivator, and Buster

    My dad bought a Ferguson TO-30 new in 1952. He also purchased a new set of 2-row equipment including a front mounted cultivator, planter (corn, cotton, and milo), and buster. The color of the...
  12. D

    Ferguson TO-30 Governor

    Anyone have any tips about troubleshooting a problem with a TO-30 governor? Less than 500 tractor hours ago I replaced the governor assembly with a Novi ball type governor. All has been fine until...
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User Reviews (24)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Ferguson TO-30 Subcompact Tractor
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4.00 star(s)
Anonymous Poster

TO-30 Ferguson
Good Little Chore Tractor
Model Year: 1951

I've had this tractor for a few years now. We use it around the farm for odd jobs, like grading our driveway (.75 mile minimum maintenance), brush hogging, etc. It is very easy to work on and parts are cheap. We converted ours to 12V and added an electronic ignition to get rid of the points and provide better starting. I recently did an in-frame overhaul to correct some low compression. It is not bad considering that it was last overhauled in 1966 from the previous owner. Mine has an over/under drive auxiliary transmission (Hupp) that was installed by the dealer when it was new, which is a great addition to make up for lack of gears. The 1-1/8 inch power take-off shaft really needs an adapter/override clutch to brush hog with. You might end up going through a fence otherwise. Filled tires and chains are handy when we need multiple tractors pushing snow. Other than that, it is a good little utility tractor for the farm. We probably put 20-25 hours on it a month.

Pros: Heavier than most, cheap to work on, simple and reliable, parts availability
Cons: No live power take-off, 3-point lift relatively weak, Z-129 block prone to crack if grossly overheated

5.00 star(s)

TO-30 Ferguson
My Little Tractor
Model Year: 1952

After buying the property, I knew I needed a tractor to maintain the property. I found this one 13 miles away! It had a "handmade" canopy which makes it so campy! It has done everything I've asked of it. Very happy with it.

Pros: Dependable
Cons: I can only have one!

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4.00 star(s)

TO-30 Ferguson
Model Year: 1953

Just bought it and haven't had a chance to use it much, but already love that it is simple, compact, easy access to work on, starts like a dream.

Pros: Has loader
Cons: Has loader without power steering

5.00 star(s)

TO-30 Ferguson
Retirement Gift to Myself
Model Year: 1952

I drove a TE 20, both diesel and TVO models, in England during my childhood there. Finally I own my own TO 30. It came from Holland, Michigan. I just converted the PTO to inch and three eights to fit my US woods bush hog. I am really pleased with the ease of working on it, and the power in the field. looking forward to making it perfect, and it earns it's keep.

Pros: All good.
Cons: PTO not live (independent).

2.00 star(s)

TO-30 Ferguson
Live and Learn
Model Year: 1952

When I retired, I thought I wanted a project to keep me busy, but little did I know that the Ferguson TO 30 would give me more than I bargained for. When I purchased the tractor from a private seller, I did all the usual checks before the final deal: oil looked good (too good) hydraulics, trans. tires, sheet metal all good engine ran good etc. So now I have it home and have been running it maybe 10 times. Time to check the oil, (uh, oh) oil is milky, (heart sank) we all know what that means. Sure enough---cracked block. So if you are considering a Ferguson, please double check the block as this was a problem with this model. Thanks for listening.

Pros: Nice size for snow removal etc.
Cons: No power steering.

5.00 star(s)

TO-30 Ferguson
TO 30
Model Year: 1953

I got this TO30 to mostly cut our 15 ac pasture. It is a bit temperamental to start, but has run great. I have since learned that they are notoriously temperamental. I like the simplicity of the machine and its quality.

Pros: A workhorse.
Cons: Finding parts.

5.00 star(s)

TO-30 Ferguson
1952 TO30 Best Value for the Money
Model Year: 0

Bought it freshly painted with new clutch installed. Used it for mowing pastures. 3-pt. lifts and handles a 5 ft Woods Brush Bull no problem. Needs a little maintenance, PTO seal, alternator replaced. Got the I and T manual, looks to be easy fix. Parts readily available online or at local TEMCO farm supply. Glad I found it, wouldn't trade for newest Deere or Kubota.

Pros: Power for it's size, gearing and 3-pt lift power.
Cons: Not a live PTO.

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5.00 star(s)

TO-30 Ferguson
1954 Ferguson TO-30
Model Year: 1954

Don't know much about it yet.

Pros: Old and easy to work on.
Cons: Old and it needs work.

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5.00 star(s)
Anonymous Poster

TO-30 Ferguson
Get One
Model Year: 1952

I read mostly positive posts about the TO-30, along with one guy that was complaining about having to do things to his that are common to do to any model. I picked mine up at a flea market store for $1,700. I paid that much because it had almost new tires, and because I could tell that all it needed was a valve job. I trailered it home, yanked the head off, and sure enough found 2 burned exhaust valves. I ordered 2 new valves, a head gasket, 4 brake shoes, a muffler, points, plugs, and plug wires, a inline fuel filter, and a spin on oil filter kit. All the parts came to about 225 dollars. I spent a few hours after work for a week, then the weekend getting everything done. I was right that all the engine needed was a valve job (I lapped the valves myself in my garage). It has really great compression now, and burns no oil. I bought it to clear a 1 acre lot that I bought. The lot was in the natural state, and was covered with weeds and mesquite. I filled in rain cut ditches that were 150' long and 3-4 feet deep. I now have the lot leveled flat as a pancake (with the blade that I bought for $200), and I just put a "will build to suit tenant" on it. I couldn't be happier, and have been completely amazed at what serious work horses they are. If you have any property or land at all, get one of these. They'll do far, far more hard work than you would guess just by looking at their small size. They're nothing but amazing. Happy hunting if you don't already have one.

Pros: Simple to work on. Parts cheap and readily available. Has a really good 3 point hitch system. Economical on fuel, yet has tons of power. Easily hauled on a fairly small trailer (I use a two axle car hauler trailer). Has very good gear ranges in transmission (it's quick on the road, yet in low gear it pulls like a D-6 cat). Visibility is good. The ride is comfortable, even with factory metal seat. It steers very easy, especially considering it doesn't have power steering. Has a perfect PTO (unless you insist on a live PTO, which I don't). The three point hitch handles heavy implements with ease. It's made in the good ol' USA, not Korean, Japanese, or Chinese. They are good investments with prices for them going up every year. The T-30 is a utility tractor, so is built lower to the ground as opposed to a farm tractor like the AC C model. This makes the TO-30 very easy to get on and off of.
Cons: Doesn't have a live PTO.

5.00 star(s)

TO-30 Ferguson
Best Old Tractor in Class for the Money!
Model Year: 1952

Bought it this spring for brush hog and general pasture work, fixing fence, cutting firewood, dragging arena. Was cleaned and painted when I bought it. Starts every time and hasn't left me out in the field yet. Mowed 7 acres of pasture too late this year so it had to drag a 5-foot Woods Brush Bull through weeds higher than the front hood and TO-30 never missed a beat! PTO seal been leaking since I bought it and found out last week the alternator stopped charging. Both are easy and cheap fixes to be done this winter. Glad I paid cash for this one rather than getting 60 months of payments something more expensive!

Pros: Best power and traction for size. Easy to work on.
Cons: No hydraulic remote, not a live PTO.

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5.00 star(s)

TO-30 Ferguson
More Fun Than I Ever Guessed
Model Year: 1956

Five years ago I bought this old thing that was made when I graduated high school, 57 years ago. I put a 5 ft brush hog behind it to bring back a 7 acre pasture that was about to become a forest again. I've also hauled firewood and given grandchildren and nieces hay rides pulling a trailer. She burns no oil, and is as easy to diagnose, tune and fix as my first late '30's car. I've found old and new parts including a fan shroud, by searching online. Recently I converted the inadequate 6 volt system to 12 volts, and that was as easy as pie. With all this cranking power I plan to power up in the winter, and am considering putting a snow plow on it. Anyone done that? Summing up: the most fun I've had spending $3,000.

Pros: Great for a variety of rural jobs, including pulling logs from deep woods.
Cons: Power take off disengages whenever the clutch is in.

3.00 star(s)

TO-30 Ferguson
A Tinkerer's Tractor: High Maintenance Forever
Model Year: 1952

I bought my TO30 in 1999 from a member of our local EDGE/TA group. I have spent far more hours maintaining and repairing it, than I have using it! When it runs, it runs well but these older tractors are for people who LIKE mechanicking more than someone who needs a tractor for actual dependable work. It is a very powerful, low geared machine and I've pulled Manzanita stumps right out of the ground, and picked up ditched cars easily using its three point hitch. The 3-point hitch easily handles implements, the most useful of which is my scoop, hands down. The PTO works great with a good Bush Hog although it requires an adapter. The problems with it were: fuel tank (replaced it with a plastic ATV tank), carburetor (cracked and leaking air until I found it during a rebuild), the starters I had to replace, rusted stuck quad control handle/shaft, dead gauges, useless on/off switch subject to rain death, batteries... Well you name it. It has been a constant maintenance and repair headache with only limited usefulness time. If you have a small place and need an actual and dependable work machine this is NOT the one you want. Get a new one you don't have to spend all your time working on.

Pros: Cheap. Worked fine for several years. Will probably maintain value when I sell it.
Cons: Requires constant upkeep, maintenance, and repairs. Limited usefulness.

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4.00 star(s)

TO-30 Ferguson
1953 Ferguson TO30 Gas
Model Year: 1953

1. Build Quality: 4 stars because it is still running good and working pretty strong without any known major overhauls. 2. Features: 3 stars because FEL was not common for the early years and hydraulic 3pt hitch and PTO are nice features. Would have given it 4 stars if it had power steering or hydraulic tilt on the front bucket. There is no draft control on the rear hydraulics either. I don't like the positive ground 6 volt electrical system, it's a bit confusing to me. I would have given 5 stars with an additional air conditioned cab, nice stereo, GPS tracking and a fuel gauge! Okay, some of that had not been invented yet. 3. Performance: 4 stars because at around 18-20 hp, considering the weight of the tractor, that's about all it can safely handle. The front hydraulics are strong enough to lift the back of the tractor off the ground with a 72" box scraper attached. I also bent the bucket lifting a barrel of steel bolts, straining the hydraulics to their max capacity. Lots of bucket rust could have been a factor too. The brakes do not stop the tractor very well. I need to really stand on them hard. They don't feel worn, just a bit inadequate when loaded down with implements (FEL, box scraper). Value: My dad gave me the tractor. It does not get much better than that! Reliability: I have not had any long term experience with the machine yet. But I had to give 4 stars because after sitting for 10 years (with fuel in the tank), no tune up, (old wires, plugs, distributor cap, etc...) all I did to get it running was to clean the fuel tank out , clean the fuel lines and carburetor, bought a new 6 volt battery, and she fired right up. So far this summer I have replaced the worn tie rod ends, replaced the front wheels that were rusted through, new front AG tires, new settling bowl and filter for the fuel line, new ignition coil, new box scraper, new PTO shaft, new trans and hydraulic oil. I added a quart of Lucas oil additive to the front hydraulic system to slow down the leaks, It worked great! Both the pump and the control valve were leaking terrible before the Lucas additive. I also added a pint to the transmission oil.

Pros: Good value, parts available, easy to work on, strong little tractor.
Cons: Tiring to steer with FEL. Poor brakes.

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4.00 star(s)
Anonymous Poster

TO-30 Ferguson
Ferguson To 30
Model Year: 1954

Just got the tractor recently. I can use this to move dirt and rocks around the property. I gave it a good wash, and new paint. Still learn how to use it, how to perform the maintenance and the safety aspects in operating a tractor. I will need to buy the manuals and will post to seek help from our experienced members.

Pros: Reasonable price, can do the job.
Cons: Old, need to be ready to fix any minor problem that may come my way.

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5.00 star(s)

TO-30 Ferguson
1954 Ferguson T030
Model Year: 1954

Dad bought new in 1954 and as he used to say, "there's still a lot of work left in that old tractor". It's like the timex slogan: "It takes a licking and keeps on ticking". Love it both for sentimental reasons and usability.

Pros: Excellent tractor for general use.
Cons: 6 volt system.

5.00 star(s)

TO-30 Ferguson
1951 Ferguson TO-30
Model Year: 1951

Recently bought farm and tractor came with it. In process of restoring, but I am amazed at how well tractor runs. It pulls a large mower on the 3 point hitch with ease and seems very dependable. I'm a real Fergie fan. -bj

Pros: Very stable and easy to operate.
Cons: No roll bar.

5.00 star(s)

TO-30 Ferguson
Bought Used Tractor
Model Year: 1956

Bought my first tractor to power a brush hog so I could keep my 7 acre pasture mowed and looking good. After solving a "not charging" problem, replacing a missing fan shroud, and miscellaneous little problems, I have a reliable tractor with plenty of power for the job. $3000 got me the tractor and a front end loader for it. It burns no oil.

Pros: Great on hilly lot.
Cons: PTO is disconnected when clutch is thrown, so blade slows.

5.00 star(s)

TO-30 Ferguson
My Old Ferguson TO-30
Model Year: 1952

This old tractor has an untold number of hours on it and led a hard life from previous owners. It is as reliable as a rock, and a caveman could fix it. Short on modern features but it has served me well. Totally worn out but you can't kill it and it just goes and goes. I love it and one of these days I think I'll pull her apart and treat her to a complete rebuild. Should be good for another 60 or 70 years.

Pros: Excellent.
Cons: Good machine for its era.

5.00 star(s)

TO-30 Ferguson
1953 TO30
Model Year: 1953

Great little tractor for the money. Very reliable and easy to maintain. You will not go broke with this tractor's up keep.

Pros: Extremely reliable and a breeze to operate, gets into tight spaces and will work hard for you with very little upkeep, and the maintenance it needs is never expensive.
Cons: The hp and weight of this tractor limit it's implement capability.

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5.00 star(s)
Anonymous Poster

TO-30 Ferguson
Model Year: 1951

My little Fergie was saved from the salvage yard around 8 years ago...it came with a Davis loader, rotten hoses, cracked head, busted radiator, busted hydraulic pump [3 pt], missing hood, carb and bunch of other pieces. I wanted a tractor really bad but didn't have a lot of money. I gave a grand for it, in its terrible condition. Of course, I put a lot of time and more money to bring it back to life. It is closer to three now and an unknown amount of hours in labor. I feel like it overall a good deal, it now sports new parts such as paint, cylinder head and valves, new radiator, true 12v system, front and rear tires, bushings, bearings and much more odds and ends. Some parts are rebuilt like the hydraulic pump and lift cover, carb, and again a few more odds and ends. Essentially, they are the same tractor as the Ford N Series with very minor differences.It doesn't have position control like the 8N, but can be added very easy with aftermarket kits. [Just for reference, the 2n and 9n doesn't, either] I thought I was buying an Ford N Series. I was told it was an N, even the Bill of Sale says N. Not cutting the N series, short- but was, so glad it was a Ferguson. The way it was built seemed a little ahead of an N such as the OHV engine as compared to the flathead on the N. During my education of the old Fergie, I learned that they out plowed the N series and really was the tractor that set the design of what would later become Massey Ferguson. My Ferguson still needs a few things, but the tractor is now about 90 percent. It has a bunch of new parts and works great. It has been worth every penny and minute put into it. It is more dependable than my truck. It starts first time and everytime. Its a little work horse,around 30 of them. It has been and is being used for everything and anything. Its definatley a keeper. If you need a tractor and only have a few grand to put in one, I would recommend the Ferguson over many other tractors and prefer it over the N. The Ferguson is a dependable little tractor and works great for small or medium size acreage. It was built out of detroit iron and proves it was built to last by simply running after 60 plus years. It is simple to use and maintain. Parts are still widely available. It doeesnt have a lot of features as they come out in the 50's, but they are very modern for there age and can easily be upgraded to be very similiar to a new one. Of course, limited by your mechanical ability, imagination, and pocket book.

Pros: Affordable. Dependable. Simple.
Cons: Doesn't have any.

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Ferguson TO-30 Owner Pages

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Ferguson TO-30 Community Rankings

#43 user rating of 679 Vintage Tractors items
#1 Viewed of 679 Vintage Tractors items
#34 discussed of 679 Vintage Tractors items
#932 user rating of 19625 items overall
#12 Viewed of 19625 items overall
#743 discussed of 19625 items overall
#9 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19625 items overall