Model Year: 1951
My little Fergie was saved from the salvage yard around 8 years ago...it came with a Davis loader, rotten hoses, cracked head, busted radiator, busted hydraulic pump [3 pt], missing hood, carb and bunch of other pieces. I wanted a tractor really bad but didn't have a lot of money. I gave a grand for it, in its terrible condition. Of course, I put a lot of time and more money to bring it back to life. It is closer to three now and an unknown amount of hours in labor. I feel like it overall a good deal, it now sports new parts such as paint, cylinder head and valves, new radiator, true 12v system, front and rear tires, bushings, bearings and much more odds and ends. Some parts are rebuilt like the hydraulic pump and lift cover, carb, and again a few more odds and ends. Essentially, they are the same tractor as the Ford N Series with very minor differences.It doesn't have position control like the 8N, but can be added very easy with aftermarket kits. [Just for reference, the 2n and 9n doesn't, either] I thought I was buying an Ford N Series. I was told it was an N, even the Bill of Sale says N. Not cutting the N series, short- but was, so glad it was a Ferguson. The way it was built seemed a little ahead of an N such as the OHV engine as compared to the flathead on the N. During my education of the old Fergie, I learned that they out plowed the N series and really was the tractor that set the design of what would later become Massey Ferguson. My Ferguson still needs a few things, but the tractor is now about 90 percent. It has a bunch of new parts and works great. It has been worth every penny and minute put into it. It is more dependable than my truck. It starts first time and everytime. Its a little work horse,around 30 of them. It has been and is being used for everything and anything. Its definatley a keeper. If you need a tractor and only have a few grand to put in one, I would recommend the Ferguson over many other tractors and prefer it over the N. The Ferguson is a dependable little tractor and works great for small or medium size acreage. It was built out of detroit iron and proves it was built to last by simply running after 60 plus years. It is simple to use and maintain. Parts are still widely available. It doeesnt have a lot of features as they come out in the 50's, but they are very modern for there age and can easily be upgraded to be very similiar to a new one. Of course, limited by your mechanical ability, imagination, and pocket book.
Pros: Affordable. Dependable. Simple.
Cons: Doesn't have any.
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